2.1 屏幕尺寸[物理尺寸]
2.2 屏幕分辨率[px]
2.3 屏幕像素密度[dpi]
2.4 dp[dip]、dpi、sp、px
px = density * dp; density = dpi / 160; px = dp * (dpi / 160);
2.5 mdpi、hdpi、xdpi、xxdpi
名稱像 素密度范圍 ldpi 0dpi~120dpi mdpi 120dpi~160dpi hdpi 120dpi~160dpi xdpi 160dpi~240dpi xxdpi 240dpi~320dpi xxxdpi 480dpi~640dpi Android項目后應該可以看到很多drawable文件夾,分別對應不同的dpi drawable-ldpi (dpi=120, density=0.75) drawable-mdpi (dpi=160, density=1) drawable-hdpi (dpi=240, density=1.5) drawable-xhdpi (dpi=320, density=2) drawable-xxhdpi (dpi=480, density=3) 對于五種主流的像素密度(MDPI、HDPI、XHDPI、XXHDPI 和 XXXHDPI)應按照 2:3:4:6:8 的比例進行縮放。
屏幕密度 圖標尺寸 mdpi 48X48px hdpi 72X72px xdpi 96X96px xxdpi 144X144px xxxdpi 192X192px
2.6 DisplayMetrics解析
//第一種 DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics(); Display display = activity.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay(); display.getMetrics(metrics); //第二種 DisplayMetrics metrics= activity.getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); //第三種 Resources.getSystem().getDisplayMetrics();
3.1 什么是像素點
3.2 dp與百分比 (網頁前端提供百分比,所以無需適配)
4.1 適配常見方法
4.2 尺寸適配
ldip:120px = 160dp * 0.75 mdpi:160px = 160dp * 1 hdpi:240px = 160dp * 1.5 xhdpi:360px = 180dp * 2
1.在默認的values中的dimens文件下聲明(類似于Strings.xml) <dimen name="activity_horizontal_margin">16dp</dimen> <dimen name="activity_vertical_margin">16dp</dimen> <dimen name="harlWidth">160dp</dimen> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources> <!-- values-hdpi 480X800 --> <dimen name="imagewidth">120dip</dimen> </resources> <resources> <!-- values-hdpi-1280x800 --> <dimen name="imagewidth">220dip</dimen> </resources> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources> <!-- values-hdpi 480X320 --> <dimen name="imagewidth">80dip</dimen> </resources> 2.在布局文件中引用 <TextView android:layout_width="@dimen/harlWidth" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:background="#0ff" android:text="@string/hello_world" /> 3.新建需要適配的values-XXX(比如values-1280x720,注意規范大值在前) 4.在新建values-1280x720中的dimens.xml文件中 * <dimen name="harlWidth">180dp</dimen> 5.所有手機適配找對應的默認的dimens * 思考:如何計算dpi?如何計算手機密度比?能夠用dp適配所有手機嗎? * dp不能適配所有手機; * 舉個例子:按鈕占屏幕寬度一半,把寬度設置成160dp,120px和160px和240px可以占屏幕一半,但是360px則小于屏幕一半; * 如果把寬度設置成180dp,那么360dp可以占屏幕一半,但其他幾個又不行。 * 如果要適配所有手機的控件寬度為屏幕寬度的一半,該怎么做呢?用dimen
4.2 代碼適配
4.3 布局適配,有可能在不同的手機布局中,控件排列的位置不一樣
4.4 權重適配
4.5 圖片適配
5.1 通配符適配困境
5.2 傳統dp適配困境
6.1 適配方案
//在xml中使用何種尺寸單位(dp、sp、pt、in、mm),最后在繪制時都會給我們轉成px! public static float applyDimension(int unit, float value, DisplayMetrics metrics) { switch (unit) { case COMPLEX_UNIT_PX: return value; case COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP: return value * metrics.density; case COMPLEX_UNIT_SP: return value * metrics.scaledDensity; case COMPLEX_UNIT_PT: return value * metrics.xdpi * (1.0f/72); case COMPLEX_UNIT_IN: return value * metrics.xdpi; case COMPLEX_UNIT_MM: return value * metrics.xdpi * (1.0f/25.4f); } return 0; }
public static void setCustomDensity(Activity activity, Application application) { DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = application.getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); if (sNoncompatDensity == 0) { // 系統的Density sNoncompatDensity = displayMetrics.density; // 系統的ScaledDensity sNoncompatScaledDensity = displayMetrics.scaledDensity; // 監聽在系統設置中切換字體 application.registerComponentCallbacks(new ComponentCallbacks() { @Override public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) { if (newConfig != null && newConfig.fontScale > 0) { sNoncompatScaledDensity=application.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().scaledDensity; } } @Override public void onLowMemory() { } }); } // 公司UI尺寸是750px-1334px,此處以375dp的設計圖作為例子 float targetDensity=displayMetrics.widthPixels/375; float targetScaledDensity=targetDensity*(sNoncompatScaledDensity/sNoncompatDensity); int targetDensityDpi= (int) (160 * targetDensity); displayMetrics.density = targetDensity; displayMetrics.scaledDensity = targetScaledDensity; displayMetrics.densityDpi = targetDensityDpi; DisplayMetrics activityDisplayMetrics = activity.getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); activityDisplayMetrics.density = targetDensity; activityDisplayMetrics.scaledDensity = targetScaledDensity; activityDisplayMetrics.densityDpi = targetDensityDpi; }
public class ScreenDensityUtils { /* * 1.先在application中使用setup()方法初始化一下 * 2.手動在Activity中調用match()方法做適配,必須在setContentView()之前 * 3.建議使用dp做寬度適配,大多數時候寬度適配才是主流需要 * 4.個人覺得在寫布局的時候,可以多用dp,如果是使用px,建議轉化成dp * 5.入侵性很低,不需要改動原來的代碼 */ /** * 屏幕適配的基準 */ private static final int MATCH_BASE_WIDTH = 0; private static final int MATCH_BASE_HEIGHT = 1; /** * 適配單位 */ private static final int MATCH_UNIT_DP = 0; private static final int MATCH_UNIT_PT = 1; // 適配信息 private static MatchInfo sMatchInfo; // Activity 的生命周期監測 private static Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks mActivityLifecycleCallback; private ScreenDensityUtils() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("u can't instantiate me..."); } /** * 初始化 * @param application 需要在application中初始化 */ public static void setup(@NonNull final Application application) { /* //獲取屏幕分辨率信息的三種方法 //第一種 DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics(); Display display = activity.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay(); display.getMetrics(metrics); //第二種 DisplayMetrics metrics= activity.getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); //第三種 Resources.getSystem().getDisplayMetrics(); */ //注意這個是獲取系統的displayMetrics final DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = application.getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); if (sMatchInfo == null) { // 記錄系統的原始值 sMatchInfo = new MatchInfo(); sMatchInfo.setScreenWidth(displayMetrics.widthPixels); sMatchInfo.setScreenHeight(displayMetrics.heightPixels); sMatchInfo.setAppDensity(displayMetrics.density); sMatchInfo.setAppDensityDpi(displayMetrics.densityDpi); sMatchInfo.setAppScaledDensity(displayMetrics.scaledDensity); sMatchInfo.setAppXdpi(displayMetrics.xdpi); } // 添加字體變化的監聽 // 調用 Application#registerComponentCallbacks 注冊下 onConfigurationChanged 監聽即可。 application.registerComponentCallbacks(new ComponentCallbacks() { @Override public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) { // 字體改變后,將 appScaledDensity 重新賦值 if (newConfig != null && newConfig.fontScale > 0) { float scaledDensity = displayMetrics.scaledDensity; sMatchInfo.setAppScaledDensity(scaledDensity); } } @Override public void onLowMemory() { } }); } /** * 在 application 中全局激活適配(也可單獨使用 match() 方法在指定頁面中配置適配) */ @RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) public static void register(@NonNull final Application application, final float designSize, final int matchBase, final int matchUnit) { if (mActivityLifecycleCallback == null) { mActivityLifecycleCallback = new Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks() { @Override public void onActivityCreated(Activity activity, Bundle savedInstanceState) { if (activity != null) { match(activity, designSize, matchBase, matchUnit); } } @Override public void onActivityStarted(Activity activity) { } @Override public void onActivityResumed(Activity activity) { } @Override public void onActivityPaused(Activity activity) { } @Override public void onActivityStopped(Activity activity) { } @Override public void onActivitySaveInstanceState(Activity activity, Bundle outState) { } @Override public void onActivityDestroyed(Activity activity) { } }; application.registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(mActivityLifecycleCallback); } } /** * 全局取消所有的適配 */ @RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) public static void unregister(@NonNull final Application application, @NonNull int... matchUnit) { if (mActivityLifecycleCallback != null) { application.unregisterActivityLifecycleCallbacks(mActivityLifecycleCallback); mActivityLifecycleCallback = null; } for (int unit : matchUnit) { cancelMatch(application, unit); } } /** * 適配屏幕(放在 Activity 的 setContentView() 之前執行) * * @param context 上下文 * @param designSize 設計圖的尺寸 */ public static void match(@NonNull final Context context, final float designSize) { match(context, designSize, MATCH_BASE_WIDTH, MATCH_UNIT_DP); } /** * 適配屏幕(放在 Activity 的 setContentView() 之前執行) * * @param context 上下文 * @param designSize 設計圖的尺寸 * @param matchBase 適配基準 */ public static void match(@NonNull final Context context, final float designSize, int matchBase) { match(context, designSize, matchBase, MATCH_UNIT_DP); } /** * 適配屏幕(放在 Activity 的 setContentView() 之前執行) * * @param context 上下文 * @param designSize 設計圖的尺寸 * @param matchBase 適配基準 * @param matchUnit 使用的適配單位 */ private static void match(@NonNull final Context context, final float designSize, int matchBase, int matchUnit) { if (designSize == 0) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The designSize cannot be equal to 0"); } if (matchUnit == MATCH_UNIT_DP) { matchByDP(context, designSize, matchBase); } else if (matchUnit == MATCH_UNIT_PT) { matchByPT(context, designSize, matchBase); } } /** * 重置適配信息,取消適配 */ public static void cancelMatch(@NonNull final Context context) { cancelMatch(context, MATCH_UNIT_DP); cancelMatch(context, MATCH_UNIT_PT); } /** * 重置適配信息,取消適配 * * @param context 上下文 * @param matchUnit 需要取消適配的單位 */ private static void cancelMatch(@NonNull final Context context, int matchUnit) { if (sMatchInfo != null) { final DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); if (matchUnit == MATCH_UNIT_DP) { if (displayMetrics.density != sMatchInfo.getAppDensity()) { displayMetrics.density = sMatchInfo.getAppDensity(); } if (displayMetrics.densityDpi != sMatchInfo.getAppDensityDpi()) { displayMetrics.densityDpi = (int) sMatchInfo.getAppDensityDpi(); } if (displayMetrics.scaledDensity != sMatchInfo.getAppScaledDensity()) { displayMetrics.scaledDensity = sMatchInfo.getAppScaledDensity(); } } else if (matchUnit == MATCH_UNIT_PT) { if (displayMetrics.xdpi != sMatchInfo.getAppXdpi()) { displayMetrics.xdpi = sMatchInfo.getAppXdpi(); } } } } public static MatchInfo getMatchInfo() { return sMatchInfo; } /** * 使用 dp 作為適配單位(適合在新項目中使用,在老項目中使用會對原來既有的 dp 值產生影響) * <br> * <ul> * dp 與 px 之間的換算: * <li> px = density * dp </li> * <li> density = dpi / 160 </li> * <li> px = dp * (dpi / 160) </li> * </ul> * * @param context 上下文 * @param designSize 設計圖的寬/高(單位: dp) * @param base 適配基準 */ private static void matchByDP(@NonNull final Context context, final float designSize, int base) { final float targetDensity; if (base == MATCH_BASE_WIDTH) { targetDensity = sMatchInfo.getScreenWidth() * 1f / designSize; } else if (base == MATCH_BASE_HEIGHT) { targetDensity = sMatchInfo.getScreenHeight() * 1f / designSize; } else { targetDensity = sMatchInfo.getScreenWidth() * 1f / designSize; } final int targetDensityDpi = (int) (targetDensity * 160); final float targetScaledDensity = targetDensity * (sMatchInfo.getAppScaledDensity() / sMatchInfo.getAppDensity()); final DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); displayMetrics.density = targetDensity; displayMetrics.densityDpi = targetDensityDpi; displayMetrics.scaledDensity = targetScaledDensity; } /** * 使用 pt 作為適配單位(因為 pt 比較冷門,新老項目皆適合使用;也可作為 dp 適配的補充, * 在需要同時適配寬度和高度時,使用 pt 來適配 dp 未適配的寬度或高度) * <br/> * <p> pt 轉 px 算法: pt * metrics.xdpi * (1.0f/72) </p> * * @param context 上下文 * @param designSize 設計圖的寬/高(單位: pt) * @param base 適配基準 */ private static void matchByPT(@NonNull final Context context, final float designSize, int base) { final float targetXdpi; if (base == MATCH_BASE_WIDTH) { targetXdpi = sMatchInfo.getScreenWidth() * 72f / designSize; } else if (base == MATCH_BASE_HEIGHT) { targetXdpi = sMatchInfo.getScreenHeight() * 72f / designSize; } else { targetXdpi = sMatchInfo.getScreenWidth() * 72f / designSize; } final DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); displayMetrics.xdpi = targetXdpi; } /** * 適配信息 */ private static class MatchInfo { private int screenWidth; private int screenHeight; private float appDensity; private float appDensityDpi; private float appScaledDensity; private float appXdpi; int getScreenWidth() { return screenWidth; } void setScreenWidth(int screenWidth) { this.screenWidth = screenWidth; } int getScreenHeight() { return screenHeight; } void setScreenHeight(int screenHeight) { this.screenHeight = screenHeight; } float getAppDensity() { return appDensity; } void setAppDensity(float appDensity) { this.appDensity = appDensity; } float getAppDensityDpi() { return appDensityDpi; } void setAppDensityDpi(float appDensityDpi) { this.appDensityDpi = appDensityDpi; } float getAppScaledDensity() { return appScaledDensity; } void setAppScaledDensity(float appScaledDensity) { this.appScaledDensity = appScaledDensity; } float getAppXdpi() { return appXdpi; } void setAppXdpi(float appXdpi) { this.appXdpi = appXdpi; } } }
6.2 鴻洋大AutoLayout框架
6.3 AndroidAutoSize
A: Could you eat spicy?
B: Yes, medium, please.
not spicy 不辣的
mild 溫和的;輕微的
medium 中等辣的
hot 重辣的
super spicy 超級辣
A:How sweet and ice would you like your bubble tea?
B:sugar-free and ice-free,please.
regular sugar 全糖
half sugar 半糖
sugar-free 無糖
regular ice 正常冰
easy ice 少冰
ice-free 去冰
在國外餐廳吃牛排時,老外服務員一定會問你How would you like your steak?"
A: How would you like your steak?
B: medium-rare, please.
全生 raw
一分熟 rare
三分熟 medium-rare
五分熟 medium
七分熟 medium-well
全熟 well-done
此時你就可以對服務員說:“wrap it up,please.“
A: Hello, could you help me wrap the rest of the food up,please
B: Ok,no problem!
take away
01. might 熟義:或許
I sue all my might to open the door. n.力量,權威
302. mind v.當心,注意{熟義:介意;心(思)}
Mind your head!當心!不要碰著頭了。
303. minute 熟義:n. 分鐘
They held a minute inspection of the grounds. adj.微小的,詳細的,仔細而準確的。
Please read through the minutes first. n.會議記錄
304. mix 熟義:vt 混合
He mixes very little with his wife's friends. vt.交往,來往
305. monitor n. v.監控(器),(電腦)顯示器(熟義:班長)
The Police had monitored all of his phone calls.警察暗中監聽了他打的所有電話。
306. no more...than... 比……更不,非常不(勿望文生義)
He is no more fit to be a minister than a schoolboy would be.他根本不適合當部長,連小學生都不如。
307. move v.使感動;提議(熟義:移動)
Even Father was deeply moved.連父親都感動了。
I move that we accept the proposal.我提議我們接受這個建議。
308.multiply 熟義:v . 乘;繁殖
We can multiply our chances of success. v. 成倍增加;迅速增加
309. narrowly adv.差點兒沒;仔細地(勿望文生義)
One car went too fast and narrowly missed hitting the other one.一輛車開得太快險些撞到另一輛車
310.come near to 差一點就(勿望文生義)
She came near to killing him.她差點兒置他于死地。
311. nobody n.小人物(熟義:沒有人)
“I want to be famous!I am tired of being a nobody,” he said.他說他討厭做無名小卒。
312.look down one's nose at 看不起(勿望文生義)
The Turners always look down theirnoses at their neighbours.特納家總看不起鄰居。
313. note 熟義:n. 筆記
Learn the notes by heart. n. 臺詞
I noticed that her hands were dirty. v.注意到
314 novel. 熟義:小說
Job-sharing is still a novel concept and it will take a while for employers to get used to it. adj. 新穎的
315. object v.反對(熟義:賓語;物件)
They objected to leaving school and going to work.他們反對輟學去工作。
316. occur v. 被想到(熟義:發生)
It did not occur to me that you would object.我沒想到你會反對。
317. be well/ badly off經濟狀況好/壞(勿望文生義)
He is well off, it appears, and willing to work for nothing.似乎他很富裕,愿意白干。
318. good offices 幫忙,斡旋(勿望文生義)
Through the good offices of a friend, I was able to get a ticket.在朋友的幫助下,我才弄到一票。
319. take office就職(勿望文生義)
She took office at a difficult time.她就職于困難時期。
320. be well on in/into很晚(勿望文生義)
Although it was well on in the evening,we decided to try our luck at fishing again.盡管很晚了,但我們仍決定撒一網碰一下運氣。
321.at once同時;既,又(熟義:馬上)
Don't all speak at once! One at a time.不要一起講!一個一個地講。
She is at once clever and modest.她既聰明又端莊。
322. open 熟義:v.開 adj. 開著;打開的
They left the matter open. adj.(問題,議事等)未解決的
323. operate vi.運轉,起作用 vt.經營(熟義:動手術)
The medicine began to operate at once.藥立刻開始見效。
324. order v.定購 n.順序 (熟義:命令) [來源:學|科|網]
Have you ordered your meal?點菜了嗎?
325. otherwise 熟義:adv. 否則;要不然
You know what it is about. Why do you pretend otherwise? adv.在其他方面
326. outgoing 熟義:adj. 愛交際的;友好的;外向的
The outgoing president Bush attended the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics. adj.將卸任的;將離職的
327. outspoken 熟義:adj. 直率的;坦誠的
She was very outspoken about her wish to be married. adj.直言不諱的
328. outstanding 熟義:adj.優秀的,杰出的
Some of the work is still outstanding. adj.(款項,工作,困難等)未支付的;未完成的;未決的
329. own 熟義:vt. 擁有
He owned the child as his daughter. vt 承認
330.pack v.包裝;收拾行李;擠滿(熟義:包)
You go and pack your things.你去收拾行李吧。
331. paragraph 熟義:n. 段落
There is a paragraph about the accident in the local newspaper. n.報紙上短篇報道
332.park v.停車;放置n.停車場(熟義:公園)
A car park is a place where you may park your car.停車場就是停車的地方。
333.part n.(熟義:零件;角色,部分)
I hope we'll never part.但愿我們永遠不分離(v.分手/離;放棄;賣掉)
In order to raise money,he had to part with some of his most treasured possessions.為了籌款,他不得不賣掉一些最珍貴的財產。
334. party 熟義:n. 黨派;聚會
The solution is acceptable to both parties. n.契約或爭論的雙方
335.playa...part in...起……作用(勿望文生義)
The women played an important part in the task.婦女在這次任務中起了重要作用。
336.take part in...參與;起……作用(勿望文生義)
I once took part with him in a debate.我曾經與他進行過辯論。
337.pass v.經過;通過;過去;度過n.傳球;通行證;關口(熟義:遞給)
You must pass your pass to him at the pass or you can't pass your summer holidays there.在關口你必須把通行證遞給他,否則,你無法去那兒度暑假。
I have no idea what passed in my absence. vi.發生,產生
338.bring...to pass vt.使發生(come to pass vi.發生)(勿望文生義)
His wife's death brought a change to pass in his attitude toward religion.他妻子的死使他改變了對宗教的態度。
339.passage n. 通道;走廊;通過(熟義:文章)
The house has an underground passage.房子有地下通道。
340.patient adj.耐心的(熟義:n.病人)
Just be patient.I think you're next.耐心點!下個就是你了。
341.pay (熟義:付款)
He says farming doesn't pay.他說做農活劃不來。(vi.合算)
342. peach 熟義:n. 桃子
He has peached me and all the others to save his life. vt.告發 vi. 告密
343.perform v.履行;執行(熟義:表演)
Perform your promise.請說話算數。
The doctor performed the operation.醫生做了手術。
344.in person親自(勿望文生義)
You can complain to the manager in per- son.你可以親自去向經理投訴。
345.physical 身體的;物質的;自然的(熟義:物理的)
We should help the people with mental or physical disabilities.我們應該幫助那些心理或生理上有缺陷的人。
346.picture n.形象;樣子;描繪;美如畫v.描繪;想像(熟義:圖片)
Can you form a picture in your mind of what I pictured to you?你能想像得出我所描述的東西嗎?
347. pick up 熟義:拾起,撿起;偶然發現;弄到手;聽到,得到(情報,知識);康復,增加(速度)
Train picked up the timber workers working in the forest farm every day. 用車接人
348.pilot adj.試驗性的v.帶領(熟義:飛行員)
If the pilot survey goes well,we'll go into full production.如果試產順利,我們將面推廣。
349.place n.職位;地位;(第……)名v.放置;安排職位(熟義:地方)
She found a place in a store.她在商店找到個工作。
350.take place vi. 發生(勿望文生義)
The wedding will take place next week.婚禮將在下周舉行。
351.take the place of=take one's place接替(注意與上條的區別)
My brother is ill and I've come to take his place.我哥病了,我來接替他的工作。
352.in place 在本來的地方;適當(勿望文生義)
I hope you left all the books in the library in place.希望你把圖書館的書放在應放置。
353.in place of=instead of而不是(勿望文生義)
We use chopsticks in place of knives and forks.我們用筷子而不用刀叉。
354.in the place of=in one's place處于……的情況;代替
What would you do in my place?如果你處于我的情況,你怎么辦?
355.plane n.水平;平面adj.平的(熟義:飛機)
This species has reached a higher plane of development.這一種屬已達更高的階段.
356. plant 熟義:n. 植物;工廠
My parents planted a garden at the foot of the hill. vt.種植,栽種某物
357. platform 熟義:n. 平臺;講臺;站臺
The platform of the new party attaches great importance to environmental protection. n. 綱領;宣言
358.please v.(使)高興;愿意(熟義:請)
She does what she pleases.她想做啥就做啥。
359.with pleasure 可以(用于客氣的答語中)(熟義:高興地,高興得)
“Could you put me up tonight?”“With pleasure.”今晚您能為我提供住宿嗎?“沒題。”
360.pocket vt.侵吞;賺得(熟義:n.衣袋v.把……放入衣袋)
It's simple---we buy them for $5,sell them for $8,and we pocket the difference.
361. policy 熟義:n. 政策
He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. n.保險單,保險憑證
362. polish 熟義:vt. 擦亮;磨光
His essay needs polishing. vt.潤色
363. pool 熟義:n. 水池;水塘
If we pool the idea,we may find a better solution to the problem. v. 集中使用
364.practically adv.幾乎,確實(熟義:實際上,從實際出發)
The hall was practically empty.大廳簡直空空如也。
365.practice n.慣例,習俗(熟義:實踐;練習)
According to the international practice,he shall be punished.根據國際慣例,他必須受罰。
366. position 熟義:n.位置;職位
What's your position on the problem. n.立場;觀點
367. possess 熟義:vt. 擁有
A violent anger possessed him. vt.(感情,情緒等)支配;控制
368. pound 熟義:n. 磅;英鎊
No one can stand continuous pounding on the head. n.猛擊;連續重擊
369.present vt.介紹;贈送(熟義:n.禮物adj.現在的;到場的)
On Teachers'Day,students usually present flowers to the teachers.教師節學生通常給老師獻花。
370.press 熟義:v. 壓
He pressed her guests to stay a little longer. vt.勸說
371.promise v.有希望;可能會有(熟義:答應)
The dark clouds promise rain.烏云密布,看來要下雨。
372.no problem愿意干;不用謝;沒關系(熟義:沒困難)
“Could you help me?”“No problem.”“幫我一下好嗎?”“當然可以!”
373. previous 熟義:adj. 先前的,以往的
He died previous to my arrival. adj.時間上稍前的
374. produce 熟義:v. 生產
Please produce your ticket for inspection. v. 拿出;出示
375. promise 熟義:v/n 許諾
The dark clouds promise rain. v.有...的希望;使...有可能
376. pronounced 熟義:v.發音
The judge pronounced against her appeal. v.判決;宣布;宣稱
377.put away存儲;打消;吃掉(熟義:收起來放好)
He puts a little away every week for his grandson.他每周都為孫子存一點錢。
378.put down寫下;鎮壓;讓……下車(熟義:放下)
The bus stopped to put down the passengers.公共汽車停下來,讓乘客下車。
Could you put me up for the night? put up(留……)住宿
380.out of the question不可能;不允許(勿望文生義)
Without a passport,leaving the country is out of the question.無護照要出國是不可能的。
381. race 熟義:vt. 和...比賽 n. 賽跑
Race to see what is happening. v.快速移動;快速運轉
382.raise 飼養;種植;引起;招募(熟義:舉起,提高)
The farmer raises cows and corn.這個農民又種玉米又養牛。
383. rate 熟義:n. 比率;速度
These potatoes rate among the best. v.對...做出評價;被評價為;被認為
384.rather than而不是,寧愿……也不愿……
Rather than cause trouble,he left.他寧愿離去,也不愿自找麻煩。
385.or rather更確切地(勿望文生義)
He worked till late last night,or rather, early this morning.他一直工作到深夜,或者更確切地說,工作到今天凌晨。
386. raw 熟義:adj 材料未加工的
These fish are often eaten raw. adj.(食物等)生的,未煮的
387.reach v.伸出(手、腳等);與……取得聯系(熟義:到達)
I couldn't reach him by phone this morning.早晨我給他打電話打不通。
388. read 熟義:v. 閱讀
I didn't read mother's thoughts at that time. v.理解;領會
He realized the house.他賣了房子得到了現錢。
390. receipt 熟義:n. 收據,收條
I will pay the money on receipt of the goods. n.接收,收到
391. recover 熟義:v. 恢復健康,痊愈
He almost fell, but succeeded in recovering himself. v.恢復;重新控制
392.refer to查閱;歸功于(熟義:指的是;提到)
The speaker often refers to his notes.發言的人經常看講稿。
393. reflect 熟義:vt. 映出;反射;表現
I need time to reflect on your offer. v.沉思,思考 (與on/upon 連用)
394. refresh 熟義:vt 使恢復精力
Her words refreshed my memory. vt.提醒,提示,使想起
The hostess served refreshments after the tennis match.網球比賽后,女主人端來了茶點。
396. relate 熟義:v. 與...有關;相關
I related my adventure to my family. v. 講述
397. religion 熟義:n. 宗教
Tennis is a religion with John. n.特別的興趣
398.remain v.(繼續)保持;(繼續)存在(熟義:剩下)
The door remains closed.門還是關著的。
Please remember the waiter.(v.記得給小費)記住給服務員小費。
400. remote 熟義:adj. 偏遠的,偏僻的
He is a remote relative of mine. adj.關系較遠的,遠親的
401. repair 熟義:v/n 修理
How can I repair the damage I have caused? v.補救,彌補
402. rest 熟義:v/n 休息
She rested her head on his shoulder. v. 把...靠在...上
Its success rested on the labour of half a million slaves. v. 依靠,依賴
403. respect 熟義:v/n 尊敬;敬意
He has no respect for the feelings of others. n. 重視;尊重;維護
404.result in引起(注:result from因……而產生)
The accident resulted in three deaths.這起事故導致了三人死亡。
405.return n來回車票(熟義:回來;歸還)
Do you want a single or a return?你只買去的車票還是來回車票都買?
406. review 熟義:vt 復習
She reviewed what had happened. vt.回顧
407. round 熟義:prep/adv 環繞,圍著;圓形的
We are losing the game in the last round due to our complacency. n. 回合,局;輪,場
408.run v.競選;運轉;管理;用車送;褪色(熟義:跑)
Teach me how to run the business.教我怎樣做買賣吧。
A bright idea ran through my mind. v. 快速移動
409.run out(of...)用完(熟義:從……跑出去)
410. safe 熟義:adj. 安全的
He is a safe man. You can count on him. adj. 謹慎的,不冒險的
411.the salt of the earth非常正派、誠實的人(勿望文生義)
Your grandmother is the salt of the earth.你祖母是個很誠實的人。
412.at the same time盡管如此;但是(熟義:同時)
It cost a lot of money.At the same time,I think we shall need it and it will certainly be useful.它很貴,但是,我認為我們需要它,它肯定有用。
413.satisfy (熟義:使滿意)
The cold water satisfied our thirst.我們喝了涼水就不口渴了。
He satisfied me that he could do the work well.他使我相信他能把這工作做好。
She satisfied her hunger with an apple. v.滿足要求或需要
414.save v.節省;儲蓄;留給(某人);除了(熟義:挽救)
They are saving for a house.他們在存錢買房子。
Will you save me a seat on the bus?在公共汽車上給我留個座,好嗎?
415.You said it!我同意你的意見(勿望文生義)
—Let's go home.咱們回家吧!
—You said it.I'm too tired now.好吧。我也太累了。
416. say 熟義:vt 說
Say that war breaks out, what will you do? vt.假定
Her passport says he is nineteen. vt.(書面材料或可見的東西)提供信息,指示
417.scene 吵架(熟義:風景,場景)
If you don't sit down and stop making a scene,I'm leaving.如果你不坐下來,還要吵的話,我就走了。
418. scholarship 熟義:n. 獎學金
A writer with great scholarship can achieve great success. n.學問,學識;學術成就
419.screen n.紗窗;篩子vt.保護(熟義:屏幕)
The curtain screened out sunlight.簾子遮擋陽光。
420. second 熟義:第二
Mrs. Smith proposed the vote of thanks, and Mr. Jones seconded. v. 隨聲附和
He raised a proposal that is seconded by few. v.贊成
421.see vt.(在某段時期)發生/經歷/經受(熟義:看見)
The next years saw a series of bad harvests.以后幾年,收成都不好。
This century has seen too many wars. vt.經歷;有...的經驗;體驗
422.see out(耐著性子)進行到底(熟義:送某人出門)
I don't like the course but I'll see it out.我不喜歡這門課程,但是我還是耐著性子把它學完了。
423.see to處理;負責(做);照顧(勿望文生義)
I'll have to see to the window—the wood is rotten.我得弄一下這窗戶———這木頭都爛了。
424.seeing conj.既然;考慮到(勿望文生義)
We could have a joint party ,seeing(that)your birthday is the same day as mine.既然你我兩人一天生,那么我們就聯合起來開個晚會吧。
425. seize 熟義:vt. 抓住;強奪
I couldn't seize the meaning of his remarks. vt.掌握,把握
426.set (熟義:adj.確定的;v.放置;確定;n.一套)
Are you all set for the journey?adj.準備好;可能 (你們都為這次旅行準備好了嗎?)
She is having her hair set for the party. v.做頭發
427.shall aux.v.(在官方文件中用)表示“規定”(熟義:將)
All payments shall be made by the end of the year.所有帳目務必在年底付清。
428. sharp 熟義:adj. 鋒利的,銳利的
I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. adj.劇烈的,猛烈的
429. shoot 熟義:v. 射中,射擊
The trees give out new shoots in spring. n.嫩芽,新枝
430.shoot up 迅速增長(勿望文生義)
Your son's really shot up since we last saw him.從我們上次見到他之后,你兒子像射箭一般地長高了許多。
431.a big shot 重要人物(勿望文生義)
His father is a big shot in the steel industry.是鋼鐵工業部門重要人物。
432. shoulder 熟義:n. 肩膀
Young people should learn to shoulder the duty/blame. vt.承擔
433. simply 熟義:adv. 僅僅;只不過
It is simply wonderful to see you! adv.(強調某說法)確實,簡直
434. sink 熟義:v. 下沉;沉沒
Price are sinking slowly. v.下降,降低
435.somebody pron.有一定地位的人物(熟義:某人)
He is somebody in his town but he is nobody here.在他所在的鎮他是個赫赫有名的人物,但在這兒就算不了什么人物了。
436. somehow adv.也不知道是什么原由;不知道怎么搞的(熟義:以某種方式)
Somehow he is afraid of her.不知道是怎么的,他害怕她。
437.something of 可以說是一個(勿望文生義)
He is something of a liar.他不太老實。
438.the life and soul關鍵人物;中心人物(勿望文生義)
He's such a good joke teller;he is the life and soul of any party.他很會講笑話,他在任何晚會上都是中心人物。
439. soul 熟義:n. 靈魂
Hardly a soul is seen in the village. n. 人
440.sound adj.(熟義:n.聲音;v.聽起來)
The bodywork's sound but the engine needs repairing.(機器、身體等)沒有毛病的
It is important to have a sound body. adj. 健康的
My wife is a sound sleeper. adj. 酣睡的
441.Spare (熟義:抽出;勻出)
He spared the prisoner.v.饒恕;放過
442.Spring (熟義:春天;泉水;彈簧)
Fast food restaurants are springing up all over the town. v.猛然跳起;涌出 快餐店如雨后春筍般地在全鎮不斷地涌現出來。
443. stamp 熟義:n. 郵票
He stamped his feet in anger v.跺腳,頓足
444.stand v.忍受;仍然有效;保持原狀n.攤位,地攤(熟義:站立)
I can't stand waiting any longer.再等下去我可受不了啦!
The order still stands.命令仍然有效。
As things now stand,we shall win.像這樣下去,我們就能贏。
445.stand for 容忍(常用于否定句)(熟義:代表)
The teacher would not stand for such behavior.不能容忍這樣的行為。
446.stand up 對……失約(熟義:站起來)
Jane cried when Bill stood her up on their first date.他們第一次約會,比爾就失約,這使得珍妮哭了一場。
447. start 熟義:v. 開始;發動;開創
He started up from his seat. v. 猛然跳起來;突然移動
448.state v.陳述;說明(熟義:州;狀態)
They gave him five minutes to state his views.他們給了他五分鐘,陳述他的觀點。
449.station vt.駐扎(熟義:站,臺,所,局)
A PLA unit is now stationed at Hong Kong.人民解放軍某部現在駐扎在香港。
450. steal 熟義:v. 偷
He stole a glance of her in the mirror. v.快速或偷偷地取得
451. strength 熟義:n. 力氣
Maths is not my strength. 強項
452.strike v.認為;想到;發現(熟義:打擊;襲擊;罷工)
It struck me that he was not telling the truth.我認為他沒有講真話。
An idea suddenly struck me.我突然想到了個主意。
453.study n.書房(熟義:學習;研究)
He has a beautiful small old wooden study.他的書房小巧玲瓏,古色古香,純木結構。
454.subject adj.(熟義:主題;科目)
The subjects of this experiment were all men aged 18-25.n.(實驗中)被試者 這次實驗的被試者全是 18-25歲的男性。
These areas are subject to strong winds.可能被……影響 這些地區常受到狂風襲擊。
The child is subject to cold. adj.易遭受...的
455. succeed vt.(熟義:成功)
Gingrich will succeed Foley as speaker of the House.金瑞琪將接替夫理當眾議院議長
He will succeed Foley as speaker of the House. 繼承;接著……當……
Jim has just succeeded a large fortune from his uncle. v. 繼承
456. surprise 熟義:v/n 使驚訝,驚奇
Our troops surprised the enemy in the midnight. v.出其不意地襲擊或出現
457.suppose =supposing conj.倘若(熟義:猜想;料想)
Suppose it rains,what shall we do?假如下雨,我們怎么辦?
458. sympathy 熟義: n. 同情
Annie's sympathies lie firmly with the workers. n.贊同,支持
459. swear to 熟義:v. 宣誓
I would swear to having met him somewhere. =I would swear to it that I had met him somewhere. v. 斷言;肯定;保證
460.take up 開始學習(某課程);從事(某活動)(熟義:占(時間/空間)
He dropped medicine and took up physics.他棄醫從理。
461. team 熟義:n. 隊,組
Would you like to team up with us? v.(與某人)一起工作,合作
262.tell v.(熟義:告訴;講述)
Good teaching will always tell.起作用;產生效果;
He couldn't tell which house it was. vt.判斷/區分
She cracked a smile that told her joy. v.顯示,顯露
463. through 熟義:adj. 徹底的,完全的
She is a very thorough worker. adj.做事深入細致的
464. ticket 熟義:n. 票
The new driver got a ticket for speeding. n.罰單,罰款單
465. tie 熟義:vt. 栓,系
They tied with the visiting team in the game. vi. 打成平手
466.in time 經過一段時間之后;最后(熟義:及時)
Don't worry—I'm sure things will get better in time.不要著急——隔一段時間之后一切都會好的。
467.tip n.點子;主意;勸告;情報(熟義:小費;尖端;梢)
Here is a useful tip on how to deal with online friends.下面給你介紹一條有用的建議,怎樣處理網友的問題。
468. touch 熟義:n/v. 接觸
I feel a touch of tenderness from mom's words. n. 少許,微量
Vegetables were touched by the frost(霜凍). vt. 害到,傷害
469 . treat 熟義:vt. 對待;處理;治療
Her son's visit are a great treat for her. n.(難得的)樂事
It's my treat this time. n.請客,款待
470. turn to 找(某人尋求幫助等);求助于(熟義:翻到;轉到;變成)
They always turned to me when they were in trouble.當他們遇到麻煩的時候,他們總是來找我。
471.in turn 又反過來(熟義:依次;輪流)
Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice.理論的基礎是實踐,又反過來為實踐服務。
472. twist 熟義:v. 使彎曲變形
The river twisted toward the sea. v. (道路,河流等)曲折,蜿蜒
473. ravel 熟義:v/n. 旅行
The news traveled fast. v. 以某速度傳播
474. understand 熟義:vt. 理解
I understand that you are planning to go to Africa. vt. 知悉,了解,據聞
475. uniform 熟義:n. 制服
The boxes are uniform in weight. adj.相同的,一致的
476. undertake 熟義:v. 承擔;采取;從事
I can't undertake that you will make a profit. v.承諾;允諾;答應
477.under way 在進行(勿望文生義)
Plans to save the boy are under way.挽救那個男孩的計劃正在進行中。
478. vain 熟義:adj. 徒勞的,沒結果的
She is vain of her beauty. adj. 虛榮的;自視過高的
479. vehicle 熟義:n. 交通工具
We must find out the vehicle of the disease at first. n.媒介;載體
480. vote (熟義:投票)
I vote(that)we go home.v.建議(口語)
481. walk 熟義:v/n 行走,步行
This society welcomes people from all walks of life. n.行業
482. wander 熟義:v. 漫游,游蕩,漫步
Don't wander from the point. v.離開原處或正道
Her thoughts wandered back to her youth. v.走神;神志恍惚;思想開小差
483.give way 崩潰;讓步(勿望文生義)
The thin ice gave way under the skater.薄冰在滑冰者的腳下崩裂了。
484.wear (熟義:穿,戴)
His clothes began to wear.v.磨壞
You'll find this material won't wear.v. 經磨;耐用
485. wear 熟義: vt. 穿戴
The girl always wears a happy smile. vt. 表露
The old man wears a heavy beard. v. 留;蓄
486. weigh 熟義:v. 稱...的重量;重達
Please the advantages and disadvantages of doing this. v.權衡;斟酌
487.weight 熟義:n. 重量
How much weight will be attached to his decision? n.分量;重要性
488.well off 有錢;富裕(勿望文生義)
His parents are quite well off;they have just bought him a new car for his birthday.他父母很有錢,他們剛給他買了一輛新車作為他的生日禮物。
489.while conj.只要;既然;雖然 n.一段時間(熟義:當…時候;而)
While there is life ,there is hope.留得青山在,不怕沒柴燒。
While she is a likeable girl ,she can be difficult to work with.盡管這姑娘很可愛,但在一起工作卻很難配合。
490.will 毅力;遺囑(熟義:將)
His iron will forced us not to give up.n.意志;意志力
What did it say in the will. n.遺囑
491. with 熟義: prep. 與..., 以...
With more money I would be able to buy it. prep. 若是
492..work 熟義:n.工作,(書/畫/音樂)作品
Yes,I think your plan will work .v.起作用
The young man worked a large farm.vt. 管理
493. workshop 熟義:n. 車間;工場
I attended a educational workshop not long ago. n.講習班,研討班
494..work out 得到圓滿解決;進行情況(好/……);理解(熟義:算出;制定出)
Things will work out if you have patient.如果你有耐心,事情會得到圓滿解決的。
I can't work out the meaning of this poem.我不能理解這首詩的含義。
495. whip 熟義:n. 鞭子 v 抽打,拍打
She whipped it into her pocket. v.突然拿、取、移動(她迅速地把它塞進衣袋
496. wicked 熟義:adj. 邪惡的,惡劣的,缺德的
Dave used to be a wicked child when he was young. adj.淘氣的,頑皮的
497. wit 熟義:n. 智力,才智
His remarks if filled with wits. n.風趣,妙語
498. wrap 熟義:n. vt 包,裹
Mind you wrap up well if you go out. n.圍巾,披肩 (你出外的話要圍好圍巾 )
499. yield 熟義:n. 產量,收益 v. 生產,出產
I would rather die than yield. vi. 讓步,屈服,投降
500. yard 熟義:n. 院子,庭院;場院
Can you still buy cloth by the yard in Britain? n. 碼(1碼 = 3英尺 = 36英寸 ≈ 0.914米)