


          Jan 2 雙語新聞精選:美國國家電影目錄‘擴員’

          Jan 2 雙語新聞精選:美國國家電影目錄‘擴員’ 斷背山等入選 National Film Registry titles

          he Obamas are most admired


          Former US first lady Michelle Obama has been named America's "Most AdmiredWoman" in 2018, ending Hillary Clinton's 17-yearwinning streak. Clinton, a former presidential candidate, secretary of state and first lady, came third in the annual Galluppoll, with talk-show host Oprah Winfrey in second.


          Former president Barack Obama was the most admired man for the 11th year in a row. President Donald Trump finished second for the fourth consecutive year. If Obama emerges on top again next year he will tie with the record holder - former president Dwight Eisenhower who won the most admired man title 12 times, Gallup said.




          英 /?d'ma??d/ 美 /?d'ma??d/

          adj. 受人欽佩的;感到羨慕的

          v. 羨慕,贊美;欽佩(admire的過去分詞)

          2、winning streak



          英 /p??l/ 美 /pol/

          n. 投票;民意測驗;投票數;投票所

          vt. 投票;剪短;對…進行民意測驗;獲得選票

          vi. 投票

          adj. 無角的;剪過毛的;修過枝的

          Celebrate New Year with lasers


          As public callsto ban fireworks areon the rise, the city of Espoo in southern Finland will be the first city in the country to celebrate the New Year with a laser light show instead offirecrackers.


          In Finland, the New Year is usually celebrated with fireworks, but this is thought to be old-fashioned by the city of Espoo, said Lea Rintala, director of the Culture Services Unit of Espoo. The laser show will start in downtown Espoo at 6:20 pm local time on New Year's Eve.


          The show will cover an area including the Espoo Cathedral, the nearby Church Park and the river bank. Other light shows may also take place in other parts of the city during the year, according to Rintala.


          The public demand for banning consumers from using fireworks has consistentlyincreased in recent years in Finland, aiming to reduce cases of injuries, air pollution, and stress and anxiety in animals caused by fireworks.




          n. 電話(call的復數);呼吁;調用

          v. 呼叫(call的三單)

          2、on the rise



          英 /'fa??kr?k?/ 美 /'fa??kr?k?/

          n. 鞭炮,爆竹


          美 /k?n's?st?ntli/

          adv. 一貫地;一致地;堅實地

          National Film Registry titles



          The National Film Registryis turning 30 and will bring ina new crop offilms ranging from dinosaurs' return from extinction, a cowboys-in-love drama and stories showcasing Native Americans.


          The Library of Congress announced that the films "Jurassic Park," "Brokeback Mountain" and "My Fair Lady" are among the 25 movies tapped for preservation this year. The library chose a few more memorable titles such as "The Shining," "Eve's Bayou", "Hud" and "Broadcast News". Others on the list include "Something Good - Negro Kiss" and "Smoke Signals", along with animated films "Hair Piece: A Film for Nappy-Headed People" and "Cinderella".


          The library has selected movies for preservation because of their cultural, historic and artistic importance since the registry began in 1988. This year's picks bring the total number of films in the registry to 750.




          英 /'red??str?/ 美 /'r?d??stri/

          n. 注冊;登記處;掛號處;船舶的國籍

          2、a crop of


          Esports players burning out


          Some of the world's top esportsplayers work as many as 80 hours a week, with much of the time spent onmarathonvideo gamesessionsthat end up taking a physical and mentaltoll. Onehigh-profilegamer, Indy Halpern, says that he sometimes practices for eight hours a day, which often leads to lower-back and wrist pain.


          Halpern also outlined the mental risks: "You always have that pressure on your shoulders that you have to perform," he says. Doug Gardner, a sports psychology consultant, recalled seeing "emaciated" players exhausted afterrelentlessgameplay.


          In 2014, the gaming publication Polygon reported that it was normal for esports players to retire in their mid-20s because youth is a key determinantof excellent motor skills and reaction times - two essential qualities for a top gamer.






          英 /'m?r?θ(?)n/ 美 /'m?r?,θɑn/

          n. 馬拉松賽跑;耐力的考驗

          adj. 馬拉松式的;有耐力的

          vi. 參加馬拉松賽跑


          英 /'se?(?)n/ 美 /'s???n/

          n. 會議;(法庭的)開庭;(議會等的)開會;學期;講習會


          英 /t??l/ 美 /tol/

          n. 通行費;代價;鐘聲;傷亡人數

          vt. 征收;敲鐘

          vi. 鳴鐘;征稅


          英 /hai'pr?ufail/

          adj. 高調的;備受矚目的;知名度高的


          美 /?'me??'et?d/

          adj. 瘦弱的;憔悴的

          v. 憔悴;消瘦下去(emaciate的過去分詞)


          英 /r?'lentl?s/ 美 /r?'l?ntl?s/

          adj. 無情的;殘酷的;不間斷的


          英 /d?'t??m?n?nt/ 美 /d?'t?m?n?nt/

          adj. 決定性的

          n. 決定因素;[數] 行列式

          ormer President Barack Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama attend a Hanukkah reception in the East Room of the White House, December 14, 2016, Washington, DC.[Photo/VCG]

          >The Obamas are most admired 米歇爾成'最受欽佩女性' Former US first lady Michelle Obama has been named America's "Most Admired Woman" in 2018, ending Hillary Clinton's 17-year winning streak. Clinton, a former presidential candidate, secretary of state and first lady, came third in the annual Gallup poll, with talk-show host Oprah Winfrey in second. Former president Barack Obama was the most admired man for the 11th year in a row. President Donald Trump finished second for the fourth consecutive year. If Obama emerges on top again next year he will tie with the record holder - former president Dwight Eisenhower who won the most admired man title 12 times, Gallup said. 近日,美國前第一夫人米歇爾?奧巴馬當選2018年美國"最受欽佩的女性",結束了希拉里?克林頓對此頭銜長達17年的壟斷。曾是美國總統候選人、國務卿及第一夫人的希拉里在此次蓋洛普年度民意調查中排名第三,脫口秀主持人奧普拉?溫弗瑞位居第二。美國前總統巴拉克?奧巴馬連續11年被選為"最受欽佩的男性",現任總統唐納德?特朗普則連續第4年位居次席。蓋洛普稱,若明年奧巴馬再次獲此頭銜,他將追平該紀錄的保持者——12次贏得"最受欽佩的男性"稱號的美國前總統德懷特?艾森豪威爾。

          Fireworks explode over Victoria Harbour during New Year celebrations in Hong Kong on January 1, 2018. [Photo/Xinhua]

          >Celebrate New Year with lasers 芬蘭用激光秀代替煙花 As public calls to ban fireworks are on the rise, the city of Espoo in southern Finland will be the first city in the country to celebrate the New Year with a laser light show instead of firecrackers. In Finland, the New Year is usually celebrated with fireworks, but this is thought to be old-fashioned by the city of Espoo, said Lea Rintala, director of the Culture Services Unit of Espoo. The laser show will start in downtown Espoo at 6:20 pm local time on New Year's Eve. The show will cover an area including the Espoo Cathedral, the nearby Church Park and the river bank. Other light shows may also take place in other parts of the city during the year, according to Rintala. The public demand for banning consumers from using fireworks has consistently increased in recent years in Finland, aiming to reduce cases of injuries, air pollution, and stress and anxiety in animals caused by fireworks. 由于民眾禁止燃放煙花的呼聲不斷高漲,芬蘭南部城市埃斯波將成為該國首個以激光秀、而不是燃放煙花來慶祝新年的城市。埃斯波文化服務部門主管萊亞?林塔拉表示,在芬蘭,人們通常燃放煙花來慶祝新年,但這種方式對埃斯波市來說已經過時了。激光秀將于當地時間除夕傍晚6時20分在埃斯波市中心開始,該表演將覆蓋埃斯波大教堂、附近的教堂公園及河岸等區域。據林塔拉介紹,明年市內其他地點也可能舉辦其他燈光秀。近年來,芬蘭民眾要求禁放煙花的呼聲持續高漲,此舉旨在減少因煙花導致的受傷事故、空氣污染以及使動物產生的焦慮感。

          Still of Ang Lee's film "Brokeback Mountain" [Photo/VCG]

          >National Film Registry titles 美國國家電影目錄'擴員' 侏羅紀公園斷背山入選 The National Film Registry is turning 30 and will bring in a new crop of films ranging from dinosaurs' return from extinction, a cowboys-in-love drama and stories showcasing Native Americans. The Library of Congress announced that the films "Jurassic Park," "Brokeback Mountain" and "My Fair Lady" are among the 25 movies tapped for preservation this year. The library chose a few more memorable titles such as "The Shining," "Eve's Bayou", "Hud" and "Broadcast News". Others on the list include "Something Good - Negro Kiss" and "Smoke Signals", along with animated films "Hair Piece: A Film for Nappy-Headed People" and "Cinderella". The library has selected movies for preservation because of their cultural, historic and artistic importance since the registry began in 1988. This year's picks bring the total number of films in the registry to 750. 美國國家電影目錄即將迎來30歲生日,屆時將新加入一批影片,內容涵蓋廣泛,從恐龍自滅絕中歸來到西部牛仔同性愛情故事再到美國土著的故事。國會圖書館近日宣布,《侏羅紀公園》、《斷背山》、《窈窕淑女》等25部電影被選定為2018年收錄到這份電影保護目錄的影片。國會圖書館還挑選了幾部更加令人難忘的影片,比如《閃靈》、《仲夏夜玫瑰》、《原野鐵漢》和《廣播新聞》。其他入選影片包括《好東西:黑人之吻》、《煙霧信號》以及動畫片《假發》和《仙履奇緣》。自1988年設立國家電影目錄以來,國會圖書館一直選擇具有文化、歷史和藝術價值的影片加以保護。加上2018年收錄的影片,該目錄收錄的電影總數將達到750部。

          China's Invictus Gaming players celebrate after winning the 2018 LOL World Championship final match against European team Fnatic at Munhak stadium in Incheon, South Korea, November 3, 2018. [Photo/IC]

          >Esports players burning out 職業電競選手吃青春飯? Some of the world's top esports players work as many as 80 hours a week, with much of the time spent on marathon video game sessions that end up taking a physical and mental toll. One high-profile gamer, Indy Halpern, says that he sometimes practices for eight hours a day, which often leads to lower-back and wrist pain. Halpern also outlined the mental risks: "You always have that pressure on your shoulders that you have to perform," he says. Doug Gardner, a sports psychology consultant, recalled seeing "emaciated" players exhausted after relentless gameplay. In 2014, the gaming publication Polygon reported that it was normal for esports players to retire in their mid-20s because youth is a key determinant of excellent motor skills and reaction times - two essential qualities for a top gamer. 世界上一些頂級電子競技選手每周工作時間長達80小時,大部分時間花在漫長累人的電子游戲訓練上,最終付出了身體和精神上的雙重代價。知名電競玩家印迪?哈爾佩恩表示,他有時每天練習8小時,這常導致下背部和手腕疼痛。哈爾佩恩還提到了心理上的風險,他說:"你一直承受著必須表現出色的壓力。"據體育心理學顧問道格?加德納回憶,他曾看到"瘦弱的"隊員在沒完沒了的比賽后精疲力竭的樣子。游戲行業出版物《多邊形》2014年報道稱,電競選手在20多歲就退役是正常現象,因為年輕是出色的操作技能和反應時間的關鍵決定因素——對于頂級玩家來說,這兩種素質至關重要。 Find more audio news on the China Daily app.





          首先,我們需要決定合適的字體。在我的例子中,我使用的是 Space Mono,你也可以使用 Roboto 或 Poppins。讓我們將其導入到你的 HTML 中。

                rel="stylesheet" />

          現在是時候使用 HTML 創建結構了。

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              <h1>Enter Your Card Details</h1>
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                <!-- 卡片詳細信息容器 -->
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                  <!-- 卡片持有人名字 -->
                  <div class="name">
                    <label>Card Holder</label>
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                  <!-- 卡片過期日期 -->
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                    <label>Exp. Date</label>
                    <input class="card-name" placeholder="10/25" type="text" maxlength="5" required />
                  <!-- 卡片 CCV 碼 -->
                  <div class="ccv">
                    <input class="card-name" placeholder="123" type="text" maxlength="3" required />


          • div 標簽(class="card"):這是一個用于顯示卡片詳細信息的容器,它包含一個 logo 圖像和卡片詳細信息的輸入字段。
          • img 標簽:這是一個用于顯示卡片公司的 logo 圖像。
          • label 標簽:這是一個用于指示輸入字段的標簽,它包含在輸入字段之前。
          • input 標簽(class="card-number"):這是一個用于輸入卡片號碼的文本框,它有一個占位符,指示用戶輸入正確的卡片號碼,必填,最大長度為16。
          • div 標簽(class="container2"):這是一個包含卡片詳細信息的容器,包含了卡片持有人、過期日期和 CCV 碼。
          • div 標簽(class="name"):這是一個包含輸入卡片持有人名字的容器,它包含一個標簽和一個輸入字段。
          • input 標簽(class="card-name"):這是一個用于輸入卡片持有人名字的文本框,必填。
          • div 標簽(class="expiration-date"):這是一個包含輸入卡片過期日期的容器,它包含一個標簽和一個輸入字段。
          • input 標簽(class="card-name"):這是一個用于輸入卡片過期日期的文本框,必填,最大長度為5。
          • div 標簽(class="ccv"):這是一個包含輸入卡片 CCV 碼的容器,它包含一個標簽和一個輸入字段。
          • input 標簽(class="card-name"):這是一個用于輸入卡片 CCV 碼的文本框,必填,最大長度為3。


          現在讓我們深入研究 CSS。

          現在,首先是背景圓形。我們必須將 border-radius 設為 50%,以使其成為圓形。

          .circle {
            position: absolute;
            border-radius: 50%;
            background: linear-gradient(120deg, #1d976c, #2c3e50);


          1. 對于輸入框,我們需要使用 Mono Space 字體和底部邊框來獲得白色下劃線。
          2. 占位符是提供輸入格式細節的最佳方式。
          input {
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          最后我們設置 card 容器的外觀和布局

          現在是最主要、最有趣的部分,如何使卡片看起來像玻璃。為此,我們只需要三個屬性:backdrop-filter: blur(35px)、border: 2px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)、box-shadow: 0 0 80px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)。

          backdrop-filter 屬性將使卡片后面的內容模糊不清。

          然后是 border 屬性,它將給它一個漂亮的邊框和描邊。

          現在最后但并非最不重要的是,我們要設置 box-shadow 屬性,這將產生一個漂亮而干凈的陰影效果。

          .card {
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            width: 100%;


          通過本文,我們學習了如何使用HTML和CSS創建漂亮的毛玻璃輸入表單卡片效果。我們使用了Mono Space字體、bottom border和place-holder屬性來為輸入框添加樣式,同時利用backdrop-filter、border和box-shadow屬性為卡片添加了毛玻璃和陰影效果,使整個表單更加美觀和有吸引力。







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