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          . corn popcorn wheat born corner

          記憶:1. corn [ kC:n ] n. <美>玉米The young corn is delicious.嫩玉米非常可口。

          2. popcorn [ 5pCpkC:n ] n. 爆米花 Popcorn is popular with various people.爆米花受到各種人的歡迎。

          3. wheat [ wi:t, hw- ] n. 小麥 Bread is mainly made from wheat.面包主要是用小麥做的。

          4. born [ bC:n ] adj. 天生的, 出生 Could you tell me when Luxun was born?你能告訴我魯迅是什么時候出生的嗎?

          5. corner [ 5kC:nE ] n. 角落, (街道)拐角處, 偏僻處, 困境vt.使陷入絕境, 把...難住Children’s Day is just around the corner. 兒童節就要到了。around the corner 很快的,臨近的 in the corner在角落里 at/on the corner在拐角處

          另類閱讀:The born cook in the corner can cook corn and wheat in scores of ways.

          2. correct correction incorrect direct direction indirect rectangle

          記憶詞根rect [ 5rektE ]含義是“正,直”

          1. cor是con的變體,correct [ kE5rekt ] adj.正確的 vt. 糾正 You should correct the mistakes in your writing.你應糾正你寫作中的錯誤。

          2. correction [ kE5rekFEn ] n. 糾正 The correction is necessary for our development.在我們的發展過程中糾正錯誤是必不可少的。

          3. incorrect [ 7inkE5rekt ] in-correct adj. 不正確的I’m sorry your answer is incorrect.恐怕你的答案并不正確。

          4. direct [ di5rekt, dai5rekt ] di-rect vt. 指導(讓做正確),指點 adj. 直接的Who directs the firm these days?現在誰當導演?

          5. direction [ di5rekFEn, dai5rekFEn ] n. 方向,指導 The travelers come in all directions.旅客來自四面八方。

          6. director [ di5rektE, dai5rektE ] n. 主任, 主管, 導演 Mr. Zhang Yimou has set up his status as a successful director.張藝謀先生作為一名成功的導演已確立了他的地位。

          7. indirect [ 7indi5rekt, indai5rekt ] adj. 間接的 The teacher just gave us an indirect answer.老師只是給了我們一個間接的回答。

          8. rectangle [ 5rektAN^l ] rect-angle(角)n. 正方形(四個角都是直角) Can you draw a rectangle with one hand and a circle with the other?你能一手畫方一手畫圓嗎?

          另類閱讀:After the boy corrected the rectangle he drew, the teacher saw no incorrect lines. She praised him and gave him more directions.

          3. success succeed successful successfully unsuccessful successor excess proceed process procedure access accessible

          記憶:1. 詞根ced, ceed, cess, 含義是“行,讓步”前綴suc 即sub的變體,下面,success [ sEk5ses ] 走在了下面,成功, Everyone is after success. But success belongs to those who use both his hands and brains.每個人都在追逐成功,但成功屬于那些既動手又動腦的人。

          2. succeed [ sEk5si:d ] vi, 成功, 繼...之后, 繼任 注意: succeed in doing something. Finally we succeeded in getting to the top.最后我們成功地到達了頂峰。

          3. successful [ sEk5sesful ] adj. 成功的 Many factors make a successful writer.多種因素造就了一名成功的作家。

          4. successfully [sEk5sesfJlI] adv. 成功地 China has launched manned space travel successfully.中國已成功地進行了載人太空飛行。

          5. unsuccessful [ 5QnsEk5sesful ] adj. 不成功的 The project turned out to be unsuccessful.那項工程結果并不成功。

          6. successor [ sEk5sesE ] n.繼承者, 接任者, 后續的事物 The successors of the films are not all successful. 電影的續集并非都成功。

          7. ex- 表示“out”, excess [ ik5ses, 5ekses ] n. & v. 過度,超過 The noise is in excess of what we can stand.我們受不了那噪音。

          8. pro- 表示“向前” proceed [ prE5si:d ] To go forward or onward, especially after an interruption vi.進行, 繼續下去, 發生 The speech contest proceeded. 演講比賽繼續。

          9. process [ prE5ses ] A series of actions, changes, or functions bringing about a result n. 過程, 作用, 方法 vt.加工, 處理 I’m afraid the process is too complicated for you.恐怕這種方法對你過于復雜。

          10. procedure [ prE5si:dVE ] A manner of proceeding n.程序, 手續 Finishing the procedure, he felt too tired. 完成手續后,他感到太累。

          11. access [ 5Akses ] ac-cess n. 通路, 訪問, 入門 vt.存取, 接近 No access to the house is given to common civilians.普通人不許進那房子。

          12. accessible [ Ek5sesEbl ] adj. 易接近的, 可到達的, 易受影響的, 可理解的 The palace is not accessible for us.那宮殿我們去不了。

          4.cough fever headache backache suffer suffering ill illness sick sickness dizzy disease patient patience bacterium virus

          記憶:1. cough [ kC:f ] co,音“咳”,咳嗽 Every one of us has ever suffered from cough.我們每個人咳嗽過。

          2. fever [ 5fi:vE ] n. 發燒, 發熱, 狂熱 The boy is running a high fever. Send for a doctor at once!孩子在發高燒。馬上找醫生來!

          3. headache [5hedeIk] n.頭疼 Is the war in Iraq a glory or a headache for Jorge W Bush?伊拉克戰爭對布什來說是榮光還是頭疼?

          4. backache [5bAkeIk] n. 背疼 The backache makes it hard to turn over.背疼之后,翻身不便。

          5. suffer [ 5sQfE ] suf-fer vt.遭受, 經歷, 忍受 vi.受痛苦, 受損害 Whenever a war breaks out, it’s the civilians who suffer.每一場戰爭都是老百姓遭殃。

          6. suffering [ 5sQfEriN ] n. 痛苦 Who brought all these sufferings to the ordinary people?是誰把這些痛苦加在老百姓身上的?

          7. ill [ il ] adj. 有病的(作表語), 壞的, 惡意的 Hearing the ill boy fell ill, we couldn’t help having a pity over him.聽說那個愛搗亂的男子病倒了,我們還是忍不住同情他。

          8. illness [ 5ilnis ] Disease of body or mind; poor health n. 病 The leaves of it can help cure many illnesses. 它的葉子有助于治療多種疾病。

          9. sick [ sik ] adj. 不舒服, 有病的, 惡心的, 厭惡的 I’m sick of his dull and empty talk. 對討厭他的空洞單調的講話。

          10. sickness [ 5siknis ] The condition of being sick; illness n. 病 Fortunately his sickness is not serious.幸運的是他的病不嚴重。

          11. disease [ di5zi:z ] ease, 安逸, 安心 disease, 不安逸,有病 n. 病 Doctors deal with physical diseases. Then, who can deal with social diseases?醫生解決身體毛病,那么,誰能解決社會毛病?

          12. dizzy [ 5dizi ] 聯想disease, 有病的人頭暈的。 adj. 暈眩的, 昏亂的 Looking down from the tower top, I found myself dizzy.在塔頂上往下看,我頭暈目眩。

          13. patient [ 5peiFEnt ] n. 病人, 患者 adj. 忍耐的, 耐心的 The doctor is supposed to be patient to any patient.醫生對任何病人都應該有耐心。

          14. patience [ 5peiFEns ] n. 耐心 Patience is one of the conditions of the final success. 耐心是最終成功的條件之一。 格言: Patience is a virtue.耐心即是寶。

          15. bacterium [ bAk5tiEriEm ] n. 細菌 注意復數:bacteria Bacteria are almost everywhere.細菌幾乎無處不在。

          16. virus [ 5vaiErEs ] n. 病毒 People have found the virus causing SARS.人們發現了引起非典的病毒。

          5.count counter account accountant discount county country

          記憶:1. count [kaJnt] n. 數, 計算 Having counted the books, he realized they were far from enough.他數完書后,意識到它們遠遠不夠。

          2. counter [ 5kauntE ] n.計算器, 計數器, 計算者, 柜臺 The customer can drink by the counter of the bar.顧客可在在酒吧的柜臺邊喝酒。

          3. account [ E5kaunt ] ac-count n.計算, 帳目, 說明, 理由 vi. 說明 The accounts are very clear. 帳目非常清楚。He paid the money into his bank account.

          4. accountant [ E5kauntEnt ] account-ant n.會計(員), 會計師 The accountant’s innocence has been proved once more.會計的清白又一點得到證實。

          5. discount [ 5diskaunt ] dis-count n.折扣 The more you buy, the larger discount we can offer. 你買得越多,我們給你打折越多。

          6. country [ 5kQntri ] n. 國家, 國土 It’s everyone’s duty to protect his country. 保衛祖國,匹夫有責。

          7. county [ 5kaunti ] n. 縣 Shuangliu is one of the richest counties in Sichuan Province.雙流是四川省最富的縣之一。

          6.course cause result consequence effect effective affect affection perfect influence effort

          記憶:1. course [ kC:s ] n. 過程, 進程, 路線, 課程, 一道菜 He was quite doubtful during the course of the experiment.在實驗過程中他一直都很懷疑。

          2. cause [ kC:z ] n. 原因, 事業 vt.引起 What caused him to act so rashly?什么東西使得他行動如此草率?

          3. result [ ri5zQlt ] n. 結果, 成效, 計算結果 vi. 起因, 由于, 導致 result in以...為結果,result from 起因于 What you are today is the result of what you did yesterday.你今天的狀況是你昨天行動的結果。

          4. consequence [ 5kCnsikwEns ] con-sequ-ence 詞根sequ, 即follow, consequence, 跟在后面的, n.結果, 推理 If you continue this way, you must consider its consequence.如果你繼續這樣,你要考慮它的后果。

          5. effect [ i5fekt ] 詞根fect 含義為“做,創造”,前綴e-, 表示“出”,effect, 做出來的,n.結果, 效果, 作用, 影響 The medicine has no effect on my cold.這種藥對我的感冒不起作用。

          6. effective [ i5fektiv ] adj. 有效的 Some effective measure must be taken at once.必須馬上采取有效措施。

          7. affect [ E5fekt ] 前綴af-即ab-的變體,vt.影響, 感動 When we are quiet in heart, nothing outside can affect us.心靜自然涼。

          8. affection [ E5fekFEn ] n.友愛, 愛情, 影響 How can I show my deep affection to her?我怎樣才能表達對她的深深愛戀呢?

          9. perfect [ 5pE:fikt ] 前綴per- 表示“完成”,perfect,做完了的,完美的 Nothing is perfect and nobody is perfect.金無赤足,人無完人。

          10. influence [ 5influEns ] in-flu-ence, 詞根flu表示“流動”,influence, 在里面流過,有影響,n.影響 vt.影響, 改變 His experiences in his childhood influenced him more than anything else.他童年時代的經歷對他影響最大。

          11. effort n. 努力 Great efforts should be made to ensure the project goes on well.應該付出努力保證工程的順利進行。

          7.cover discover discovery discoverer uncover expose betray detect detective recover lid

          記憶:1. cover [ 5kQvE ] n. 蓋子, 封面 vt. 覆蓋,報道 What do you think of the phenomenon that beautiful women take up nearly all magazine covers? 美女幾乎占據了所有的雜志封面,你對這一現象怎么看? 格言:You can't tell a book by its cover. 不能以貌取人。

          2. discover [ dis5kQvE ] vt. 發現, 發覺 Some people doubt whether it is Columbus who first discovered America.一些人懷疑是不是由哥倫布首先發現美洲的。

          3. discovery [ dis5kQvEri ] n. 發現 His discovery resulted in a industrial revolution.他的發現引起了一場工業革命。

          4. discoverer [ dis5kQvErE ] n. 發現者 Who was the discoverer of Radium?誰是鐳的發現者?

          5. uncover [ Qn5kQvE ] vt.揭開, 揭露 Uncovering the basket, she was moved to find her favorite fish there.她揭開籃子,發現里面是她最愛吃的魚,很受感動。

          6. recover [ ri5kQvE ] re-cover vi. 痊愈, 復原 I hope you can recover soon.我希望你很快康復。

          7. expose [ iks5pEuz ] 詞根pose表示“放”;ex-, 外;expose, 放在外面,vt.使暴露, 使曝光 As a reporter, I think it’s my duty to expose the scandal and praise the kindness.作為記者,我認為我有責任揚善懲惡。

          8. betray [ bi5trei ] be-tray vt.出賣, 背叛, 泄露 When you betray your motherland, you are not worthy of being human.如果你背叛祖國,你就不是人。

          9. detect [ di5tekt ]  詞根tect含義是“遮蔽,掩蓋”;前綴de-含義為“反,去”,detect, 去掉遮掩,探測,偵探 In my childhood, I dreamed that I could invent some equipment to detect mushrooms in the wild.童年時候,我夢想我能發明一種設備來探測野外的蘑菇。

          10. detective [ di5tektiv ] n. 偵探 Holms is the best-known detective. However, he was not a real man.福爾摩斯是最有名的偵探,但他卻非真人。

          11. protect [ prE5tekt ] 前綴pro-為“先”,事先遮蓋起來,保護 Everyone should form the sense of protecting life, no matter whose it is.每個人都應有保護生命的意識,不論那是誰的生命。

          12. lid [ lid ] n. 蓋子 Sorry, but the lid refuses to be removed. 對不起,但蓋子挪不動。

          8;cream scream stream butter milk yoghurt

          記憶:1. cream [ kri:m ] n. 乳酪, 奶油, (護膚)面霜 Cream is rich in fat. You’d better not have too much.奶油富含脂肪,你最好不要吃得太多。

          2. scream [ skri:m ] v. 尖聲叫, 尖聲喊叫 n. 尖叫聲, 喊叫聲 The girl screamed at the sight of the snake.一看到蛇,女孩驚叫起來。

          3. stream [ stri:m ] n. 溪, 川, 流, 一股 The water in that stream is quite clear and sort of sweet.那小溪里的水清徹見底,有點甜。

          4. butter [ 5bQtE ] n. 黃油, 牛油 The birthcake is covered with butter.生日蛋糕上面覆蓋著一層黃油。

          5. milk [ milk ] n. 乳, 牛奶 v. 擠(奶) A cup of milk a day keeps the doctor away.一天一杯牛奶,醫生不用再見。

          6. yoghurt [`jC^Et,`jEJ-] n. 酸乳 Yoghurt has become popular because of its special taste.酸乳因其味道獨特而受人喜愛。

          9. crop drop stop fall fell felt

          記憶:1. crop [ krCp ] n. 農作物 vt. 收割 Not every farmer lives on crops.并非每個農民都以莊稼為生。

          2. drop [ drCp ] d, 音“滴,掉”,v.滴下, 落下 n. 落下, 下降, 滴 You can’t drop English though your English is quite poor at present.雖然你目前英語差,但是你不能放棄英語。

          3. drip [ drip ] n. 水滴 v. (使)滴下 Some water is dripping from the roof.一些水正從屋頂上滴下來。

          4. stop [ stCp ] n. 停止, 車站 vi. 停止 Nobody can stop me loving my country. 沒人能阻攔我愛我的祖國!

          5. fall [ fC:l ] n. 秋天, 落下 vi. 倒下, 落下 Four fools fell asleep on a fall afternoon. 在一個秋天下午四個傻瓜睡著了。 fall to the ground掉到地上 fall off sth從……上掉下來 fall ill生病了 fall asleep睡著了 fall in love with sb愛上

          6. fell [ fel ] vt. 砍伐 How can you fell so many trees at a time?你一次怎能砍倒那么多樹?

          7. felt [ felt ] feel的過去式,感到 I felt embarrassed when I saw her.我看到她時感到有些尷尬。

          10. crowd crowded squeeze coward people population popular populous

          記憶:1. crowd [ kraud ] n. 人群, 一堆(東西), 一伙 v. 群集, 擁擠 Don’t crowd! Wait in line and everyone can get what he wants.別擠!排好隊,每個人都能得到他想要的東西。

          2. crowded [ 5kraudid ] adj. 擁擠的, 塞滿的 The buses used to be too crowded when holidays came.過去當假期來臨的時候,公共汽車曾很擁擠。

          3. squeeze [ skwi:z ] v. 壓榨, 擠, 擠榨 Don't squeeze my finger. It hurts!別擠壓我的手指,很疼!

          4. coward [ 5kauEd ] cow, 奶牛;d, 音“倒”, coward, 看見溫順的奶牛呵也倒的人,膽小鬼;n.懦弱的人, 膽小的人 A young rat scared him so! I have never seen such a coward.一只小老鼠就把他嚇成這樣!我從來沒有見過這樣膽小的人。

          5. people [ 5pi:pl ] n. 人們 The government should be of the people, by the people and for the people.政府應是民有,民治,民享。

          6. population [ 7pCpju5leiFEn ] popul表示人;population, 人口 What’s the population in your hometown? 你家鄉有多少人?

          7. 加形容詞后綴-ar, popular [ 5pCpjulE ] adj. 通俗的, 流行的, 受歡迎的 When scientists are more popular than the singers with the young, the nation will be unconquerable. 如果科學家比歌手更受年輕人歡迎,那么這個民族是不可戰勝的。

          8. 加表示“充滿”的形容詞后綴-ous, populous [ 5pCpjulEs ] adj. 人口多的, 人口稠密的 Big cities are often populous.大城市常常人口稠密。

          11. slave slavery cruel cruelty savage kind mercy merciful

          記憶:1. slave [ sleiv ] n. 奴隸 Slaves should be liberated both politically and mentally.奴隸既要從政治上解放,也要從精神上解放。 格言: Do business,but be not a slave to it.要做事,但不要做事務的奴隸。

          2. slavery [ 5sleivEri ] n. 奴隸身分, 奴隸制度 The slavery should be abolished completely.應該徹底廢除奴隸制。

          3. cruel [ 5kruEl ] 音似“刻肉”,在肉體上刻劃,殘酷;adj. 殘酷的, 悲慘的 What made a young boy with such a cruel heart?什么東西使得一個小男孩心腸如此殘忍?

          4. cruelty [5kru:EltI] n. 殘忍, 殘酷 The mercy on the devil is the cruelty to the kind.對壞人的同情就是對好人的殘忍。

          5. savage [ 5sAvidV ] sav-age sav-音似“殺無”,殺的一個不留,野蠻兇狠 adj. 野蠻的, 兇猛的, 殘忍的 Be careful of the savage in the area.當心這一帶的野人。

          6. kind [ kaind ] adj. 善良的 The kind shouldn’t be regard as the weak.善良不應被看作是軟弱。 be kind to sb It’s kind of sb to do sth

          7. mercy [ 5mE:si ] mer-cy聯想:妹兒是有同情心的, n. 仁慈, 寬恕, 憐憫 Have mercy on others and you will get more in the future.對別人有同情心,你將得到更多的回報。

          8. merciful [ 5mE:siful ] adj. 仁慈的, 慈悲的 A merciful heart is to be treasured.應珍惜仁慈之心。

          12. cry tear sob weep laugh laughter smile

          記憶:1. cry [ krai ] vi. 哭, 流淚 n. 叫, 喊 n. 哭泣, 喊聲 It’s no use crying over spilt milk.后悔無用。

          2. tear [ tiE ] n. 眼淚, vi. 流淚, 撕破 [tZE] vt. 扯, 撕 Life doesn’t believe tears.生活不相信眼淚。

          3. sob [ sCb ] n. 嗚咽, 哭泣 n. 嗚咽, 哭泣 The boy is still sobbing. He will get better soon.男孩還在抽泣。他不久會好一些。

          4. weep [ wi:p ] n. 哭, 哭泣, 滴下 vi. 哭泣, 流淚 A healthy society never allows a hero weeping.一個健康的社會絕不會讓英雄流淚。

          5. laugh [ lB:f ] vi. 笑, 譏笑 Laughing help keeping us healthy.大笑有助于我們的健康。 格言: He laughs best who laughs last. 最后笑的人笑得最好。

          6. laughter [ 5lB:ftE ] n. 笑, 笑聲 burst into laughter 突然大笑起來 Her laughter is my greatest delight.她的笑聲是我最大的歡樂。 格言: Laughter is the best medicine.笑聲是最佳的藥。

          7. smile [ smail ] n.& vi. 微笑 When you smile, the life smiles, too.你笑的時候,生活也在笑。

          13. cup glass glasses cut carve sculpture split

          記憶:1. cup [ kQp ] n. 杯子, 酒杯, 獎杯 vt.使成杯狀 Fetch me another five cups, please.請再給我取五個杯子來。

          2. glass [ ^lB:s ] n. 玻璃, 玻璃制品, 玻璃杯 The crystal palace is made of glass.水晶宮是用玻璃做的。

          3. glasses n. 眼鏡 The man with a pair of thick glasses is a professor from Tsinghua University.帶深度眼鏡的那個人是來自清華大學的教授。

          4. cut [ kQt ] vt. 切(割、削), 剪, n.削減, 刪節, 傷口, 切口 Wrap your cut with this bandage quickly. 快點用這繃帶把你的傷口包起來。

          5. carve [ kB:v ] vt. 雕刻, 切開 He carved a face in the trunk. 他在樹干上雕刻了一張臉。

          6. sculpture [ 5skQlptFE ] cu, 音似“刻”n. 雕刻, 雕刻品, 雕塑, 雕塑品 The city sculptures are another attraction to me.城市雕塑是另一個吸引我的地方。

          7. split [ split ] p, 音“劈”,v. 劈開 n. 裂開, 裂痕 The woodcutter split the trunk into halves.樵夫把樹干劈成了兩半。

          14. danger dangerous emergency safety safe safely save rescue secure security

          記憶:1. danger [ 5deindVE ] n. 危險, 危險物 Look out! There is danger ahead.小心,前面有危險!

          2. dangerous [ 5deindVrEs ] adj. 危險的 The tiger in danger is still a dangerous animal.處于危險境地的老虎仍是危險的動物。

          3. emergency [ i5mE:dVnsi ] emerg-ency emerge,出現;emergency, 突然出現 n. 緊急情況, 突然事件 The special police forces keep alert all the time in case of any emergency.特種警察部隊一直保持著警惕,以防任何緊急情況的出現。

          4. emerge [ i5mE:dV ] vi. 顯現, 浮現, (由某種狀態)脫出, (事實)顯現出來 The truth will emerge sooner or later.真相盡早出浮出水面。

          5. safe [ seif ] adj. 安全的 n. 保險箱 Precautious attacking can’t keep the county really safe.先發制人并不能真正保證國家的安全。

          6. safely [`seIflI] adv. 安全地 The ship landed safely in the end.船最后平安靠岸了。

          7. safety [ 5seifti ] n. 安全,安全地帶 He hurried to take the boy to safety.他急忙把孩子帶到安全地帶。

          8. save [ seiv ] vt. 解救, 保存, 節省, 儲蓄 vi. 挽救, 節省 prep. 除...之外 How can I thank you enough for saving my life?你救了我的命,我真不知該怎樣感謝你。 格言:Saving is getting. 節省就是獲得。

          9. rescue [ 5reskju: ] vt. & n. 援救, 營救 The firemen have tried their best to rescue the man trapped 消防隊員已盡了力去營救受困的那個人。

          10. secure [ si5kjuE ] se-cure, 治好的, adj. 安全的, 可靠的 You may be relaxed now. The secret is absolutely secure.你可以放松點。那個秘密絕對安全。

          11. security [ si5kjuEriti ] n.安全 National security is the first matter for any government.國家安全是任何政府的首要問題。

          15. dare daring afraid fright frighten frightened fear fearful

          記憶:1. dare [ dZE ] vi. 敢, 膽敢 He dares to challenge any famous singer.他敢于向任何著名的歌手折挑戰。

          2. daring [ 5dZEriN ] adj. 大膽的 The daring words surprised his parents.那番大膽的話讓他父母吃了一驚。

          3. afraid [ E5freid ] adj. 害怕, 擔心 I’m afraid to see his angry face.我不敢看他生氣的臉。

          4. fear [ fiE ] n. 恐怖, 害怕, 擔心 v. 害怕, 畏懼 What I fear is not bears but tears.我怕的不是大笨熊,而是眼淚。 格言:Fear of death is worse than death itself. 對死亡的恐懼比死亡本身更可怕。

          5. fearful [ 5fiEful ] adj. 可怕的, 恐怕的 A dark night may be fearful for a lonely girl.也許對一個孤獨的女孩來說,漆黑的夜晚是可怕的。

          6. fearless [5fIElIs] adj. 勇敢的, 無畏的 Mandela is a fearless fighter to get rid of racial discrimination.曼德拉為消除種族歧視進行了無畏的戰斗。

          7. fright [ frait ] f+right 不對的,讓人驚駭的 n. 驚駭, 吃驚 The fright on his face is quite obvious.他臉上的驚訝感十分明顯。

          8. frighten [ 5fraitn ] vt. 使驚嚇 Don't frighten the boy with your disgusting story!別用你那討厭的故事嚇住孩子。

          9. frightened [5fraIt(E)nd] adj. 受驚的, 受恐嚇的 It’s strange that I should find myself frightened at that time.真奇怪,那時候我居然很害怕!

          記單詞有困難的同學,推薦學習《奇速英語24個故事串記中學3500詞匯》 ,讓你在輕松愉快的故事中掌握單詞的讀音、漢語意思和拼寫哦!單詞逆襲鏈接:


          24個故事第二講鏈接:http://v.qq.com/page/y/4/7/y0140zjnc47.html ;





          富文本編輯器(Rich Text Editor,RTE)是一種可內嵌于瀏覽器,所見即所得的文本編輯器。它提供類似于Office Word 的編輯功能,方便那些不太懂HTML用戶使用。用戶是可以自己去設置文本的顏色、樣式、格式等。那么如果用戶在淺色模式下寫出了黑色的字,在深色模式應該怎么做適配呢?





          2.RGB 色彩模式


          3.HSB 又稱 HSV

          表示一種顏色模式:在 HSB 模式中,H(hues)表示色相,S(saturation)表示飽和度,B(brightness)表示亮度 HSB 模式對應的媒介是人眼。


          是一種將 RGB 色彩模型中的點在圓柱坐標系中的表示法。H(hues)表示色相,S(saturation)表示飽和度,L(Lightness)表示亮度 。但 L(Lightness:亮度)與 B(Brightness:明度)分別被認為是「顏色中白色的量」和「顏色中光線的量」。

          HSB 和 HSL在相同參數下,顏色差異還是挺大的。在設計上一般使用HSB模式,開發人員一般使用HSL,所以對于后面的分析,我們都采用HSL。














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