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5A級景區 5A-level scenic areas
The Ministry of Culture and Tourism conducted a review and inspection of select 5A-level scenic areas to check their resource conservation, tourist facilities and sanitation and safety management, among other services, the ministry said Wednesday.文化和旅游部近期組織第三方專業檢查員對部分5A級旅游景區的資源保護、游覽設施、環境衛生、安全管理及其他服務方面情況進行了復核檢查。
我國旅游景區質量等級(quality rating of scenic areas)劃分為五級,從高到低依次為AAAAA、AAAA、AAA、AA、A級旅游景區。旅游景區質量等級的標牌、證書由全國旅游景區質量等級評定機構統一規定。
景區評定等級需要滿足的條件包括三個細則,細則一為服務質量與環境質量(quality of service and environment),共分為旅游交通(transport)、游覽(tour)、旅游安全(travel safety)、衛生(sanitation)、郵電服務(postal service)、旅游購物(shopping)、綜合管理以及資源和環境的保護(resource and environment conservation)8個大項;細則二為景觀質量,分為資源要素價值與景觀市場價值兩大評價項目;細則三為游客意見(tourists feedback),以游客對該旅游景區的綜合滿意度為依據。
According to the inspection results, Qiaojia Dayuan, a tourist site featuring an ancient and traditional folk house in the city of Jinzhong, North China's Shanxi province, was removed from the 5A-level list.根據檢查結果,文化和旅游部決定,對山西省晉中市喬家大院景區予以取消5A質量等級處理。
The ministry also named and shamed another six 5A-level tourism spots, and urged them to rectify their problems within three months.文化和旅游部還對6家5A級旅游景區予以通報批評處理,限期3個月整改。
Name and shame是英語里常用的一個固定搭配,這個短語的意思是:to reveal the identity of a person or organization guilty of illegal or unacceptable behavior in order to embarrass them into not repeating the offence,即“將實施了違法違規行為的個人或組織的身份公布出來,讓他們難堪,以防止今后再犯”,用中文里的“通報批評”對應很合適。另外,曾經在電視劇里出現過的“游街示眾”則可以用shame parade來表示。
2019年大學超高凈值校友排行榜 2019 University Ultra-High-Net-Worth Alumni Rankings
財富研究公司Wealth-X近日發布了2019年大學超高凈值校友排行榜(2019 University Ultra-High-Net-Worth Alumni Rankings)。
At nearly 14,000 ultra-high-net-worth (UHNW) alumni, Harvard tops the list. The university has more than double the UHNW alumni of Stanford and the University of Pennsylvania, in second and third place, respectively.哈佛大學位居榜首,擁有近1.4萬名超高凈值校友,這一數字是第二名斯坦福大學和第三名賓夕法尼亞大學各自超高凈值校友人數的兩倍多。
The ultra–high-net-worth individual is defined as having a net worth in excess of million.超高凈值人士的是指那些凈資產超過3000萬美元的人群。
而在亞太地區的榜單上,清華、北大分列第二和第三。排名第一的是新加坡國立大學(National University of Singapore)。
Tsinghua University and Peking University have Asia-Pacific's second- and third-largest UHNW alumni graduates, according to the report.清華大學和北京大學擁有亞太地區第二和第三多的超高凈值校友。
The National University of Singapore occupies the top spot in the region.新加坡國立大學排在該地區的榜首。
The known UHNW alumni graduates and wealth of Tsinghua University are 74 and 3 billion, while those of Peking University are 67 and 6 billion.清華大學已知超高凈值校友為74人,財富達1030億美元,北京大學擁有已知超高凈值校友67人,總財富達1160億美元。
規模裁員和失業風險預警機制 early warning mechanism for large-scale layoffs and unemployment risks
China has unveiled measures to stabilize the job market, with steps to establish an early warning mechanism for large-scale layoffs and unemployment risks amid mounting downward pressure on the economy.
More than 7.37 million urban jobs were created in the first half of the year-two-thirds of the annual target-according to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.
此次國務院常務會議就下一步就業工作提出了工作要點,如采取更有力措施穩增長(stabilize growth)、助創業(promote entrepreneurship)。
It also called for stronger efforts to break barriers hindering the development of market entities and to create more jobs. Employment in labor-intensive sectors must be closely monitored, and an early warning mechanism for large-scale layoffs and unemployment risks will be established.
6月份,全國城鎮調查失業率(surveyed unemployment rate)為5.1%。二季度末,全國城鎮登記失業率(registered urban unemployment rate)為3.61%。
在今年3月份的政府工作報告(government work report)中,李克強總理表示,“就業優先政策要全面發力”(pursue an employment-first policy with full force)。在職業技能提升方面,人社部副部長湯濤日前在國新辦吹風會上表示,已確定拿出1000億元,用于職工技能提升和轉崗轉業培訓(upgrading their skills or switching jobs or industries),今年補貼性培訓規模將在1500萬人次以上;今年高職院校大規模擴招100萬人,將大幅增加中央財政對高職院校的投入,以實現經濟邁向高質量發展。
人社部就業促進司司長張瑩7月25日在人社部新聞發布會上表示,人社部將“穩定就業增長”作為下一步就業工作的首要目標,鼓勵企業不裁員(avoid laying off workers)、少裁員(reduce the number of layoffs),支持企業吸納就業。
大練兵 mass drill
The Shenzhen police force carried out a mass drill on Tuesday as it ramps up efforts to ensure public security for the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.
A total of 12,000 policemen, as well as 50 armored vehicles, 200 emergency unit vehicles, 1,200 motorcycles, five helicopters, eight vessels and two amphibious cars, participated in the exercise.
The drill covers anti-terrorism exercises, joint air and sea patrols and anti-riot exercises.行動中,深圳市公安機關展開了反恐處突、海空聯合巡邏、防暴等三個科目的演練。
Chen Bin, deputy head of the security and patrol unit at the Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau, said ensuring social order and public security in Shenzhen is of great importance for Guangdong province and also the whole country.深圳市公安局治安巡警支隊副支隊長陳斌表示,保障深圳社會秩序和公共安全對于廣東省乃至全國而言都相當重要。
外籍教師 foreign teachers
The notice was issued after the department received a growing number of complaints from parents that some foreign teachers in some training agencies were not qualified, and a few of them were tourists.
The Guangdong Provincial Department of Education is requiring all universities, colleges, schools, kindergartens and related training agencies to check on the backgrounds and establish special files for all foreign teachers before Sept 15.廣東省教育廳要求各高校、中職學校、中小學、幼兒園和相關培訓機構,在9月15日前對所有外籍教師進行背景調查并建立專門文件。
The files will be sent to local departments of education, science and technology, public security and foreign experts affairs, said the notice.《通知》稱,這些文件將被報送到教育廳、當地科技部門、公安部門和外專局。
All the schools and agencies are required to abide by Chinese laws and regulations in recruiting foreign teachers.所有學校和機構在招聘外籍教師時都必須遵守中國的法律法規。
None of the foreigners are allowed to be recruited as teachers before they have been granted work permits and residence permits.未取得工作許可和居留許可的外國人不得被聘用為教師。
In addition to helping foreigners apply for work permits, schools and training agencies are asked to strictly assess the foreign teachers' morality before they are hired.除了幫助外國人申請工作許可外,學校和培訓機構還被要求在聘用外籍教師前對他們的師德師風進行嚴格評估。
退檔考生 rejected students
Peking University is supposed to enroll eight impoverished students from Henan province this year. However, the university decided not to enroll the students in the seventh and eighth places because their grades, 542 and 536, respectively, were much lower than the other six students, with the student in sixth place scoring 667 in the college entrance exam. 北京大學2019年計劃在河南省貧困地區專項招生8人。但是,第7名考生考分為542分,第8名考生考分為536分,遠低于第6名考生的667分,因此,北京大學決定對第7名、第8名考生予以退檔。
The university said it decided not to enroll the two students because "it would be hard for them to complete their studies as their grades were considerably lower than their peers".
The university decided to replace the two students, who put Peking University as their first preference in the gaokao application, with other two students who put it as their second preference, but with much higher grades, both achieving 671.對這兩名第一志愿考生退檔后,北京大學錄取了兩名第二志愿考生,分數均為671分。
The university admitted malpractice in student enrollment in the national college entrance exam, or gaokao, on Sunday and decided to re-enroll two students it previously dropped because their grades were considerably lower than others, it said in a statement.
為了縮小城鄉教育差距(narrow the gap between urban and rural schools),促進教育公平,我國教育部在高考錄取中實施三個專項計劃,分別為:國家專項計劃、地方專項計劃和高校專項計劃。
國家專項計劃(National Special Program)定向招收貧困地區學生(students in poverty-stricken areas)。招生學校為中央部門所屬高校和各省(區、市)所屬重點高校,實施區域為集中連片特殊困難縣、國家級扶貧開發重點縣以及新疆南疆四地州。
地方專項計劃(Local Special Program)定向招收各省(區、市)實施區域的農村學生。招生學校為各省(區、市)所屬重點高校,具體實施區域、報考條件由各省(區、市)根據本地實際情況確定,實施區域要對本省(區、市)民族自治縣實現全覆蓋。
高校專項計劃(Special Program for Colleges and Universities)定向招收邊遠、貧困、民族等地區(remote, impoverished and ethnic regions)縣(含縣級市)以下高中勤奮好學、成績優良的農村學生。招生學校為教育部直屬高校和其他自主招生試點高校,具體實施區域由有關省(區、市)確定。
According to the Ministry of Education, a total of 370,000 students from impoverished regions were admitted by China's 140 top universities, and 103,800 students were admitted to these universities in 2018.教育部的信息顯示,共有37萬名來自貧困地區的考生通過專項計劃被我國140所高校錄取,其中2018年錄取的考生為10.38萬人。
禁帶食品入園政策 no-outside-food-and-drink policy
The suit was brought by a junior, surnamed Wang, from East China University of Political Science and Law after she was told by park security to either throw away the snacks she had brought in her backpack or finish them. In order to get into the park, she finished some snacks and discarded the rest, following a series of failed attempts to resist, including oral disputes with security and phone calls to the police and to the municipal's official complaint hotlines, according to thePaper.cn.據澎湃新聞報道,這起訴訟由華東政法大學一名大三學生小王發起。她在進入園區之前被保安告知,需將背包中攜帶的零食丟棄或吃掉。她與工作人員據理力爭,后來撥打電話報警,并現場撥投訴熱線進行投訴均未果之后,她吃掉一部分零食并丟棄一部分后,得以進入園區。
小王認為迪士尼樂園制定的規則侵犯了自身合法權益,提起訴訟,向法院提出了兩點訴訟請求: 一、確認上海迪士尼樂園禁止游客攜帶食品入園的格式條款無效(overturn the no-outside-food-and-drink policy);二、要求上海迪士尼樂園賠償原告損失(compensate her loss),包括原告在迪士尼樂園外購買卻因被告不合理規則而被迫丟棄的食品費用,共計46.3元。
最終,浦東法院以“服務合同糾紛(service contract dispute)”為案由立案。4月23日,該案第一次開庭審理。
小王及其同學小楊、小張、小魏向記者表示,“之前最高院表示過餐飲行業禁止自帶酒水食物是霸王條款(imparity clause),實踐中也有法院判決過電影院禁止自帶食物的條款無效,我們認為迪士尼的規定與之相似,侵犯了消費者的權益(infringe consumer rights and interests)。很多人可能也感到自己的權益受到了侵犯,但是由于時間成本等問題而沒有去起訴,而我們作為法學生,‘較勁’是我們的‘天職’。”上海迪士尼樂園的管理方上海迪士尼度假區11日回應稱,上海迪士尼樂園關于外帶食品與飲料入園的規定與中國的大部分主題樂園一致( the "no outside food and beverage" rule is consistent with many other theme parks across China)。若游客自己攜帶食品或飲料,歡迎游客在樂園外的休息區域享用(guests are welcome to enjoy their own food and beverages outside the park)。
2017年11月15日,上海迪士尼樂園在樂園須知一欄新增規定,“食品(food);酒精飲料(alcoholic beverages);超過 600 毫升的非酒精飲料(nonalcoholic beverages over 600 milliliters)。建議游客在入園前享用完攜帶的上述食品及非酒精飲料。”
Globally, three out of the six Disneyland parks are open to food and drinks from beyond its services, while the three in Asia - Tokyo, Hong Kong and Shanghai - carry a no-outside-food-and-drink policy.在全球六家迪士尼樂園中,有三家對外帶食品飲料沒有限制,而東京、香港和上海三家位于亞洲的迪士尼樂園均執行禁止攜帶食品飲料入園的規定。
Although Shanghai Disney claims the food ban is due to hygiene reasons, that did not stop Chinese net users from speculating that Disney is applying double standards in Asia and forcing tourists to buy their food. 盡管上海迪士尼宣稱訂立此規則是出于衛生原因,此舉還是引發了網友的熱議,人們不禁懷疑迪士尼是否針對亞洲存在“雙標”行為,且強迫游客購買園內食物。
Some argue that the food and beverages supplied within the park are overpriced, making the motivation behind the policy appear dubious.有網友認為園區內提供的食物飲料標價過高,其禁帶飲食規則背后的動機值得懷疑。
"Disney has infringed on tourists' right of choice. As a US company, it is improper to apply a double standard on Asian countries," Liu Junhai, a business law professor at Renmin University of China in Beijing told the Global Times on Sunday.
人造肉 lab-grown meat
Mooncakes filled with lab-grown meat will go on sale in China for the first time in September.今年9月,“人造肉”餡兒的月餅將在我國首次上市銷售。
人造肉,在英語里的叫法有lab-grown meat,cultured meat、slaughter-free meat以及clean meat等,從名字可以看出,這種肉并不是通過大規模飼養動物并宰殺來獲取肉類產品,而是在實驗室里利用植物蛋白(vegetable protein)或動物干細胞(animal stem cells)制造出的肉。
中國肉類研究中心副總工程師臧明伍介紹,用植物蛋白做“人造肉”是目前國際上相對普遍的方法之一:“它的來源就是植物蛋白,但是有一點不一樣,就是從植物中提取了一些血紅蛋白(hemoglobin),讓口味和外觀看起來比較接近真肉(to make it taste and look like real meat)。”
Researchers have been working to reduce the unpleasant smell of vegetable protein and make the vegan product taste like real meat, said Li Jian, an associate professor at the School of Food and Chemical Engineering at Beijing Technology and Business University, who is leading the team making the meat substitute.帶領“人造肉”實驗團隊的北京工商大學食品與健康學院副教授李健表示,研究人員一直在研究去除植物蛋白的異味問題,使植物人造肉味道更接近真肉。
植物肉初創品牌創始人呂中茗介紹,今年推出的第一款產品就是仿老上海鮮肉月餅的植物“人造肉”月餅(mooncakes stuffed with lab-grown meat),并表示,“讓老上海人拿我們的產品跟真正的鮮肉月餅對比,很多人都分不清楚。”
李健在接受記者采訪時表示,“人造肉”面臨的最大挑戰是怎樣研發出適合中國人口味的人造肉食品(lab-grown meat that caters to Chinese taste),首先要實現的是餃子、肉丸等碎肉產品,繼而研制出完全模擬牛排、排骨、紅燒肉等人造肉產品。
《上海堡壘》 Shanghai Fortress
自稱花了5年時間籌備、斥資3.6億的《上海堡壘》(Shanghai Fortress)自8月9日上映以來票房口碑雙雙潰敗。目前,該片在豆瓣的評分已經降至3.2分。
Shanghai Fortress, which has seen its score falling to 3.2 points out of ten on the reviewing site Douban, has been criticized fiercely online.《上海堡壘》被網友批得體無完膚。豆瓣評分一路下跌,目前僅3.2分。
It doesn’t just show dissatisfaction with the film,” Teng wrote. “It also shows a loss of hope in Chinese sci-fi. As the director, I’m inescapably responsible for this, and I’m truly sorry.”滕華濤寫道:這不僅僅是對電影不滿意,也是對中國科幻電影的期待落空了。作為導演,我有著不可推卸的責任,真的很抱歉。”
A similar statement on Sina Weibo came from novelist, and the film's scriptwriter, Yang Zhi, better known by his pseudonym Jiang Nan: "To those who don't like the film, I am sorry that it didn't live up to your expectations."江南在微博中寫道:“致歉于那些不喜歡電影的朋友,辜負了你的等待。”
記得年初,《流浪地球》(The Wandering Earth)勢如破竹的時候,中國電影人都很興奮。“中國科幻元年”終于到來的呼聲不絕于耳。
Here are the elements that paved a solid ground for the soaring success of The Wandering Earth: Director Guo Fan is a diehard sci-fi fan; the script was adapted from top sci-fi novelist Liu Cixin's eponymous work and its lead star, Wu Jing, is a box office draw who mostly plays tough guys on screen, matching the persona of the astronaut who sacrifices his life to save the Earth in the movie. 《流浪地球》的“原生”優勢在于:導演郭帆是鐵桿科幻迷;劇本有著“中國當代科幻第一人”劉慈欣的原著托底;主演吳京自《戰狼2》后,堪稱“票房吉祥物”,而且他的銀幕硬漢形象,也和片中殉道式犧牲的宇航員契合。
But The Wandering Earth has become a game changer, making people highly anticipate Shanghai Fortress, which was produced almost in the same time period as The Wandering Earth. And, the creators behind Shanghai Fortress had worked hard.《上海堡壘》從選角到拍攝,其實和《流浪地球》差不多同時期。這部在網上口碑飽受爭議的影片據說也是努力過的。
He spent six years on the production, with one-and-a-half years on special effects. Teng once said that he believed shooting big-budget films with a lot of visual effects will be the mainstream in the future, so he wanted to be on board. However, he is obviously incompetent.他用了六年制作,一年半花在特效上。他曾經表示,視覺特效豐富的大成本影片未來有可能成為全球電影市場的“主流”,他希望自己也能成為這股“洪流”的一部分。然而,他顯然功力不夠。
In the original story, the protagonist, Jiang Yang, who is played by Lu, and Lin Lan, played by Shu, are respectively 22 and 23 years old. This age gap makes it easier to shape a convincing romance. But Lu is 14 years younger than Shu, and both fail to create appealing chemistry on the big screen.原著中,男女主人公江洋和林瀾的年齡設定,分別是22歲和23歲。這樣的年齡差,是可以讓人信服他們之間的朦朧愛意。但差了14歲的鹿晗和舒淇,卻無論如何撐不起這樣的銀幕CP感。
Considering there have already been so many excellent Hollywood films depicting alien creatures, it's easy to understand why Chinese audiences are not satisfied with the look of the hunters from the Delta civilization in Shanghai Fortress.在內地觀眾被好萊塢科幻大片熏陶了這么多年之后,什么樣的外星怪物沒見過。《上海堡壘》中“德爾達文明”捕食者們的造型和作戰方式,還真是有點平平無奇。
Actually, there are two main subgenres of sci-fi productions, respectively dubbed soft sci-fi and hard sci-fi. A love story can shape a wonderful sci-fi story, such as The Time Traveler's Wife, but the storyline in Shanghai Fortress — which was supposed to be a heartbreaking romance amid turbulence — is told in a poorly made narrative, failing to touch the audience.本來,科幻就分“軟科幻”和“硬科幻”兩種。《時間旅行者的妻子》就是一個軟科幻愛情故事,令人唏噓不已。但《上海堡壘》卻沒能用科幻的概念,撐起一個亂世中難以保全的愛情。
西部陸海新通道 new western land-sea corridor
China has released an overall plan about the country's new western land-sea corridor to deepen the sea-land two-way opening-up and the development of western China, according to the National Development and Reform Commission. The plan covers the period from 2019 to 2025 with an outlook extended to 2035.國家發展改革委印發《西部陸海新通道總體規劃》,深化陸海雙向開放、推進西部大開發。規劃期為2019年至2025年,展望到2035年。
西部陸海新通道(new western land-sea corridor)位于我國西部地區腹地(the hinterlands of the western regions),北接絲綢之路經濟帶(the Silk Road Economic Belt),南連21世紀海上絲綢之路(the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road),協同銜接長江經濟帶(the Yangtze River economic belt),在區域協調發展格局中具有重要戰略地位。
規劃明確了西部陸海新通道的戰略定位:推進西部大開發形成新格局的戰略通道(strategic corridor to bring about a new pattern of western development);連接“一帶”和“一路”的陸海聯動通道(a sea-land link between the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road);支撐西部地區參與國際經濟合作的陸海貿易通道(a land-sea trade link to support the western regions in participating in international economic cooperation);促進交通物流經濟深度融合的綜合運輸通道(an all-round transportation channel to promote the deep integration of transportation, logistics and the economy)。
建設自重慶經貴陽、南寧至北部灣出海口(北部灣港、洋浦港),自重慶經懷化、柳州至北部灣出海口,以及自成都經瀘州(宜賓)、百色至北部灣出海口三條通路,共同形成西部陸海新通道的主通道(main corridor)。
核心覆蓋區(core areas)包括貴陽、南寧、昆明、遵義、柳州等西南地區重要節點城市和物流樞紐(key logistics hubs);
輻射延展帶(extended areas)則聯通到蘭州、西寧、烏魯木齊、西安、銀川等西北重要城市。
到2020年,一批重大鐵路、物流樞紐等項目開工建設(a bunch of railway and logistics projects are under way),陸海新通道對西部大開發的支撐作用開始顯現。
到 2025 年,經濟、高效、便捷、綠色、安全的西部陸海新通道(build an economical, efficient, convenient, green and safe land-sea corridor for the western region)基本建成,一批重大鐵路項目建成投產,主要公路瓶頸路段全面打通。
到 2035 年,西部陸海新通道全面建成(the new land-sea corridor will be fully completed)。
中國特色社會主義先行示范區 the pilot demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics
The building of the pilot demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics will help deepen reform and expand opening-up comprehensively, according to the document. It is also conducive to the implementation of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area plan and the fulfillment of the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation.意見指出,建設中國特色社會主義先行示范區有利于形成全面深化改革、全面擴大開放新格局;有利于更好實施粵港澳大灣區戰略,為實現中華民族偉大復興的中國夢提供有力支撐。
——高質量發展高地(leading player in high-quality development)。深化供給側結構性改革,實施創新驅動發展戰略,建設現代化經濟體系,在構建高質量發展的體制機制上走在全國前列。
——法治城市示范(example of law-based governance)。全面提升法治建設水平,用法治規范政府和市場邊界,營造穩定公平透明、可預期的國際一流法治化營商環境。
——城市文明典范(model of urban civilization)。踐行社會主義核心價值觀,構建高水平的公共文化服務體系和現代文化產業體系,成為新時代舉旗幟、聚民心、育新人、興文化、展形象的引領者。
——民生幸福標桿(good example of people's livelihood and happiness)。構建優質均衡的公共服務體系,建成全覆蓋可持續的社會保障體系,實現幼有善育、學有優教、勞有厚得、病有良醫、老有頤養、住有宜居、弱有眾扶。
——可持續發展先鋒(pioneer in sustainable development)。牢固樹立和踐行綠水青山就是金山銀山的理念,打造安全高效的生產空間、舒適宜居的生活空間、碧水藍天的生態空間,在美麗灣區建設中走在前列,為落實聯合國2030年可持續發展議程提供中國經驗。
到2025年,深圳經濟實力、發展質量躋身全球城市前列(become one of the leading cities in the world in terms of economic strength and quality of development),研發投入強度(research and development input)、產業創新能力(industrial innovation capacity)世界一流,文化軟實力大幅提升(cultural power greatly enhanced),公共服務水平(quality of its public service)和生態環境質量(ecological environment)達到國際先進水平,建成現代化國際化創新型城市(a modern, international and innovative city)。
到2035年,深圳高質量發展成為全國典范(become a national model of high-quality development),城市綜合經濟競爭力世界領先,建成具有全球影響力的創新創業創意之都(a hub of innovation, entrepreneurship and creativity with international influence),成為我國建設社會主義現代化強國的城市范例(an example for China to build itself into a powerful modern socialist country)。
到本世紀中葉,深圳以更加昂揚的姿態屹立于世界先進城市之林,成為競爭力、創新力、影響力卓著的全球標桿城市(a global pacesetter with outstanding competitiveness, innovative capacity and influence)。
International talents with Chinese permanent residence permits will be allowed to set up sci-tech companies and act as legal representatives of scientific research institutions in Shenzhen.允許取得永久居留資格的國際人才在深圳創辦科技型企業、擔任科研機構法人代表。
Great efforts will be made to promote the development of emerging industries with strategic importance, and set up a prudent and inclusive supervision system with greater flexibility, the document said.
Shenzhen will also vigorously develop new industries including the intelligent economy and the health care industry, and support the research on digital currency and the application of innovations such as mobile payment.
Shenzhen will also continue to open up to Hong Kong and Macao. The country will explore the model of collaborative development by the cities and facilitate the efficient flow of personnel, capital, technology and information, it said.
The city will establish a maritime university and a national deep sea research center, and explore the establishment of a maritime development bank.
The central government will encourage Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macao to jointly hold cultural and artistic activities to better preserve their cultural heritage and strengthen the sense of identity of compatriots.
上海方言早教 nursery schools using Shanghai dialect
A number of nursery schools using Shanghai dialect as their standard instructional language have emerged, becoming a new option for many Shanghai parents.最近出現了一些以上海方言為教學語言的早教機構,成為很多上海父母的新選擇。
“Many parents are beginning to realize their children are not the only ones that cannot speak Shanghai dialect,” said principal of a dialect-oriented nursery.一家滬語早教中心的園長表示,很多家長開始意識到,不會講上海方言的并不只有自家孩子。
Qian Jing is one parent who sends her child to one such nursery. Born and raised in Shanghai, she insisted children should speak their own dialect.錢靜(音譯)是土生土長的上海人,她選擇把孩子送去滬語早教機構,她認為孩子們應該會說自己家鄉的方言。
According to Qian, her son feels very comfortable at the center because teachers all speak the dialect. “As a local Shanghai resident, the last thing I want is to see people in Shanghai no longer speaking the dialect,” she added.她表示,自己的兒子在早教中心很適應,因為那里的老師都說方言。她說:“作為一個土生土長的上海人,我最不想看到的就是上海人不說上海話了。”
Zhang Yi, who was not a native but later moved to Shanghai, said the exact reason she sent her daughter here is because it uses Shanghai dialect as the language of instruction.張逸(音譯)是移居上海的外地人,她說她選擇讓女兒去這個早教機構的原因恰恰就是因為他們提供純滬語教學。
For Zhang, learning the dialect can also heighten a sense of belonging. “When you get familiar with the dialect, you will feel more involved as part of the city,” she said.對她來說,學習上海話同時還能增加歸屬感。“你熟悉了這個語言后就會覺得跟這個城市更加親近了。”
校鬧 acts that disrupt school order
為貫徹落實全國教育大會精神,依法治理“校鬧”,教育部、最高人民法院、最高人民檢察院、公安部、司法部聯合印發《關于完善安全事故處理機制 維護學校教育教學秩序的意見》(以下簡稱《意見》),構建了治理“校鬧”的制度體系,保障學校安心辦學。
Acts that disrupt school order have put undue pressure on schools which might thereafter refrain from normal physical education, extra-curricular activities, and scolding students. This has affected quality education and the education environment, and must be resolved with greater efforts.因為“校鬧”的存在,學校承擔了不應當承擔的責任和壓力,導致一些學校不敢正常開展體育教學、課外活動,不敢正常批評教育學生,干擾了素質教育的實施,影響了良好教育生態的形成,必須下大力氣予以解決。
(1)毆打他人(assaulting people)、故意傷害他人或者故意損毀公私財物的(intentionally hurting someone or damaging public or private properties);
(2)侵占、毀損學校房屋、設施設備的(damaging or occupying school facilities);
(3)在學校設置障礙(setting up barricades on campus)、貼報噴字(putting up defamatory posters)、拉掛橫幅(putting up banners)、燃放鞭炮(setting off firecrackers)、播放哀樂(playing funeral music)、擺放花圈(laying wreath)、潑灑污物(pouring sewage)、斷水斷電(cutting electricity and water supplies)、堵塞大門、圍堵辦公場所和道路的(blocking school gates and buildings);
(4)在學校等公共場所停放尸體的(placing corpse on campus or at public places);
(5)以不準離開工作場所等方式非法限制學校教職工、學生人身自由的(illegally restricting personal freedom of teachers and students);
(6)跟蹤、糾纏學校相關負責人(stalking school officials),侮辱、恐嚇教職工、學生的(intimidating and insulting students and teachers);
(7)攜帶易燃易爆危險物品和管制器具進入學校的(bringing hazardous materials or tools to school);
(8)其他擾亂學校教育教學秩序或侵害他人人身財產權益的行為(other acts that disrupt school order or infringe personal and property rights and interests)。
Government officials, organizations or individuals should not interfere in dispute settlement procedures to quiet down the situation by forcing the school to shoulder more responsibility and provide quick compensation, the guideline said.為避免政府領導出于息事寧人的考慮,片面加重學校責任,明確規定任何組織和個人不得非法干涉糾紛處理。責任明確前,學校不得賠錢息事。
People should resort to legal means - such as consultation, meditation and lawsuits - to resolve disputes, it said. The school should make compensation in accordance with law if it is held accountable after investigation.
《哪吒》“出海” overseas release
《復聯4》的兩位導演@羅素兄弟 特意發微博表示祝賀:
Congratulations to the incredibly talented director Jiaozi@餃子導演 on the amazing success of Ne Zha. Many, many congratulations to you on the new record! We'll definitely be seeing Ne Zha in theaters on 8.29. P.S. Ne Zha, a boy or girl?《哪吒》表現優異,祝賀才華橫溢的@餃子導演。對你們的新紀錄表示熱烈祝賀!8月29號《哪吒》(在北美)上映的時候,我們一定會去看的。PS,哪吒是男孩還是女孩?
The Chinese animated film continued to lead the domestic box office on Tuesday, grossing a total of over 4.2 billion yuan, in 26 days since its debut. And now "Ne Zha" is ready to hit overseas cinemas.8月21日,該動畫電影持續領跑國內電影票房,上映26天以來總票房超過42億元。現在,《哪吒》準備在海外院線上映了。
影片在影院全面放映一般叫theatrical release或者general release,用動詞形式表達就可以用上面句子里用到的hit cinemas,但是有些影片在正式全面上映之前會選擇部分城市的部分影院進行“點映”(preview),為的是營造口碑,推動票房銷售。
The film will hit cinemas in Australia on Friday and in New Zealand on August 29. 《哪吒》將于8月23日登陸澳大利亞,8月29日在新西蘭全面上映。
8月18日,美國電影公司Well Go USA官方微博宣布,《哪吒之魔童降世》確認在北美上映。
American film distributor Well Go USA has also confirmed that the highest-earning animated film ever in China will be released in North America, first in IMAX 3D on August 29 and on general release on Sept 6.美國電影公司Well Go USA也確認,這部票房最高的國產動畫電影將在北美上映。8月29日IMAX 3D版,9月6日全面上映。
The film's run in Chinese theaters has been extended by a month to September 26.該片在國內的放映時間已經延長一個月至9月26日。
人格權 personality rights
In the second version of the draft, personal information included an individual's name, birthdate, identity card number, fingerprints, home address and phone number.草案二審稿規定的個人信息的范圍包括自然人的姓名、出生日期、身份證件號碼、個人生物識別信息、住址、電話號碼等。
Email addresses and information about a person's whereabouts will be considered personal information under the latest draft section on personal rights in the civil code.民法典人格權編草案三審稿將個人的電子郵箱地址和行蹤信息納入個人信息范圍。
三審稿還明確“個人信息的處理”包括“個人信息的使用、加工、傳輸、提供、公開等(use, processing, transmission, supply and disclosure of personal information)”。
對于何為人格權以及隱私的定義(definitions of personality rights and privacy),草案三審稿進一步明確并完善,規定:
人格權(personality rights)是民事主體享有的生命權、身體權、健康權、姓名權、名稱權、肖像權、名譽權、隱私權(rights of one's life, human body, health, name,identity, image, reputation and privacy)等權利。
將隱私的定義修改為“自然人不愿為他人知曉的私密空間、私密活動和私密信息等(the private space, activity or information that a person does not want others to know)”,并增加規定:任何組織或者個人不得搜查、進入、窺視、拍攝他人的賓館房間等私密空間(no organization or individual could search, enter, peer into or shoot others' private space, such as hotel rooms)。
貸款市場報價利率 loan prime rate(LPR)
The People's Bank of China (PBOC) announced Sunday that it will replace the loan benchmark interest rate with the loan prime rate (LPR) as a benchmark for setting the interest rate of newly issued commercial individual housing loans.8月25日,中國人民銀行宣布新發放商業性個人住房貸款利率的定價基準將由貸款基準利率變換為貸款市場報價利率。
貸款市場報價利率(loan prime rate,簡稱LPR)是指由各報價行根據其對最優質客戶執行的貸款利率(lending rates for their best customers),按照公開市場操作利率加點形成的方式報價(submit their LPR quotations based on what they have bid for PBOC liquidity in open market operations),由中國人民銀行授權全國銀行間同業拆借中心(National Interbank Loans Center)計算得出并發布的利率。
目前,商業銀行實行的存貸款利率是根據央行公布的存貸款基準利率(benchmark deposit and lending rate)制定的。
Starting from Oct. 8, the interest rate of newly issued commercial individual housing loans will be based on lastest month's LPR of the corresponding term, while certain basis points will be added, the PBOC said in a statement. Housing loan contracts already inked or in implementation will not be affected by the new rules.央行發布的公告表示,自10月8日起,新發放商業性個人住房貸款利率以最近一個月相應期限的貸款市場報價利率(LPR)為定價基準加點形成。存量個人住房貸款利率不受新政影響。
定價基準轉換后,全國范圍內新發放首套個人住房貸款利率不得低于相應期限LPR(the housing loan interest rate for first-time buyers should not be lower than the LPR of the corresponding term),按8月20日5年期以上LPR計算為4.85%;二套個人住房貸款利率不得低于相應期限LPR加60個基點(按8月20日5年期以上LPR計算為5.45%),與當前我國個人住房貸款實際最低利率水平基本相當(at the same level of the current lowest personal mortgage loan rate)。
公告表示,人民銀行省一級分支機構應按照“因城施策”原則,在國家統一的信貸政策基礎上,根據當地房地產市場形勢變化,確定轄區內首套和二套商業性個人住房貸款利率加點下限(a basis point addition floor will be decided based on the development of local property markets)。銀行業金融機構應根據加點下限合理確定每筆貸款的具體加點數值。
Interest rate policies for individual housing loans via one's housing provident fund will stay unchanged.公積金個人住房貸款利率政策暫不調整。
央行有關負責人表示,這一調整是為了落實好“房子是用來住的,不是用來炒的(housing is for living in, not for speculation)”定位和房地產市場長效管理機制(a long-term management mechanism for the real estate market),確保定價基準平穩有序轉換,維護借貸雙方合法權益。
新設自貿試驗區 new pilot FTZs
Setting up new pilot FTZs is "a major decision by the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council and a strategic move to advance reform and opening-up in the new era," the plan said.方案指出,新設自由貿易試驗區是黨中央、國務院作出的重大決策,是新時代推進改革開放的戰略舉措。
This will bring the total number of the country's pilot FTZs to 18, which serve as pioneers of the country's reform and opening-up as they test new styles of foreign investment management, trade facilitation and transformation of government functions to better integrate the economy with international practices.自由貿易試驗區是我國改革開放的先鋒,是新型外商投資管理、貿易便利化以及政府職能轉變的試驗田,以便讓我國的經濟更好地與國際慣例接軌。至此,我國自由貿易試驗區總數將達到18個。
山東自貿試驗區圍繞加快推進新舊發展動能接續轉換、發展海洋經濟,形成對外開放新高地,提出了培育貿易新業態新模式(nurture new businesses)、加快發展海洋特色產業(develop the marine economy)和探索中日韓三國地方經濟合作(explore China-Japan-Republic of Korea economic cooperation at the sub-national level)等方面的具體舉措。
江蘇自貿試驗區圍繞打造開放型經濟發展先行區(pioneer in open economy development)、實體經濟創新發展(innovative development of real economy)和產業轉型升級示范區(demonstration zone for industrial tranformation and upgrade),提出了提高境外投資合作水平、強化金融對實體經濟的支撐和支持制造業創新發展(support innovation and development of the manufacturing industry)等方面的具體舉措。
廣西自貿試驗區圍繞建設西南中南西北出海口、面向東盟的國際陸海貿易新通道(new channel for international land-sea trade targeting ASEAN),形成21世紀海上絲綢之路和絲綢之路經濟帶有機銜接的重要門戶,提出了暢通國際大通道、打造對東盟合作先行先試示范區(pilot zone of cooperation with the ASEAN region)和打造西部陸海聯通門戶港等方面的具體舉措。
河北自貿試驗區圍繞建設國際商貿物流重要樞紐(key hub for international trade and logistics)、新型工業化基地、全球創新高地和開放發展先行區,提出了支持開展國際大宗商品貿易(international commodity trade)、支持生物醫藥與生命健康產業開放發展(the opening up of biomedicine- and healthcare-related industries)等方面的具體舉措。
云南自貿試驗區圍繞打造“一帶一路”和長江經濟帶互聯互通的重要通道(build an important channel of connectivity for the Belt and Road and the Yangtze River economic belt),建設連接南亞東南亞大通道的重要節點,推動形成我國面向南亞東南亞輻射中心、開放前沿,提出了創新沿邊跨境經濟合作模式(innovate modes of cross-border economic cooperation)和加大科技領域國際合作力度等方面的具體舉措。
黑龍江自貿試驗區圍繞深化產業結構調整(deepen industrial structure adjustment),打造對俄羅斯及東北亞區域合作的中心樞紐,提出了加快實體經濟轉型升級、推進創新驅動發展和建設面向俄羅斯及東北亞的交通物流樞紐(build a transportation and logistics hub to facilitate cooperation with Russia and Northeast Asia)等方面的具體舉措。
方案強調,自貿試驗區建設過程中,要強化底線思維和風險意識,完善風險防控和處置機制(improve mechanism of risk control and response),實現區域穩定安全高效運行,切實維護國家安全和社會安全(safeguard national and social security)。充分發揮地方和部門積極性,抓好各項改革試點任務落實,高標準高質量建設自貿試驗區(build high-quality free trade pilot zones with high standards)。
新版語文教材 new Chinese textbooks
"The new Chinese textbooks boast a selection of 67 classic works of ancient poetry and prose that account for 49.3 percent of all articles," said Wen Rumei, editor-in-chief of the new Chinese textbooks, at a press conference held by the Ministry of Education (MOE) on Tuesday.普通高中語文教材總主編溫儒敏介紹,新的統編語文教材中,共選入古代詩文67篇(首),占全部課文數的49.3%。
據悉,語文新教材精選了反映中華優秀傳統文化的經典名篇(classic articles featuring traditional Chinese culture),從古風、民歌(folk music)、絕句(quatrains)、律詩(metrical verse)到詞曲,從諸子散文到歷史散文(proses),從兩漢論文、魏晉辭賦到唐宋明清古文,從文言小說(classical novels)到白話小說(vernacular novels),均有呈現。
The textbook puts special emphasis on China's revolutionary history, including five articles written by late Chinese leader Mao Zedong and five articles by prominent modern Chinese writer Lu Xun, who was a leading figure in the New Culture Movement in the 1910s, Wen said.溫儒敏表示,語文教材選取反映革命歷史的作品,其中包括毛澤東的5篇(首)文章,以及上世紀初“新文化運動”先鋒魯迅的5篇文章。
It also includes more than 10 foreign classic articles as well as those reflecting China's achievements, he added.教材也選入了十多篇外國文學文化經典作品,以及反映我國發展成就的作品。
共和國勛章 the Medal of the Republic
今年是中華人民共和國成立70周年,黨中央決定,首次開展國家勛章(the Medal of the Republic)和國家榮譽稱號(national titles of honor)集中評選頒授,隆重表彰一批為新中國建設和發展作出杰出貢獻的功勛模范人物。
Chinese scientist Tu Youyou, winner of the 2015 Nobel Prize for the discovery of artemisinin, has been nominated for China's Medal of the Republic.因發現青蒿素而獲得2015年諾貝爾生理學或醫學獎的我國科學家屠呦呦入選“共和國勛章”建議名單。
Besides Tu, seven other role models have been nominated for the honor, including Zhang Fuqing, a 94-year-old war hero who served as a soldier in the Chinese People's Liberation Army during the Liberation War (1946-49) and was twice awarded the title of "Combat Hero", and Yuan Longping, a Chinese agricultural expert who is also called the "father of hybrid rice".除屠呦呦以外,入選“共和國勛章”建議名單的還有94歲的張富清以及我國農業專家、“雜交水稻之父”袁隆平等七人。張富清在解放戰爭的槍林彈雨中多次榮立戰功,榮獲“戰斗英雄”稱號兩次。
Another 28 figures have been nominated for a national honorary title. 另有28人入選國家榮譽稱號建議人選。
Among the candidates are Nan Rendong, the founding scientist of China's Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST); Tung Chee-hwa, the first chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; and Cheng Kaijia, a nuclear weapons expert who participated in experiments of the country's first atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb and the combination of the two bombs.其中包括500米口徑球面射電望遠鏡(FAST)工程概念提出者南仁東,香港特別行政區首位行政長官董建華,以及我國核武器事業的開拓者、參與和主持首次原子彈、氫彈試驗,以及“兩彈”結合飛行試驗的核武器專家程開甲。
“五章”是指“共和國勛章(the Medal of the Republic)”、“七一勛章(the July 1 Medal)”、“八一勛章(the August 1 Medal)”、“友誼勛章(the Friendship Medal)”以及國家榮譽稱號(national titles of honor);“一簿”是指功勛簿(Book of Merit)。
“共和國勛章(the Medal of the Republic)”
授予為黨、國家和人民的事業作出巨大貢獻、功勛卓著的杰出人士(those with great contributions and distinguished service for the Party, the country and the people),這是根據憲法法律規定,由全國人大常委會決定、國家主席簽發證書并頒授的國家勛章,是國家最高榮譽(the highest honor of the country)。
“七一勛章(the July 1 Medal)”
授予在中國特色社會主義偉大事業和黨的建設新的偉大工程中作出杰出貢獻的黨員(CPC members who have made great contributions to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the construction of the CPC),這是由中共中央決定、中共中央總書記簽發證書并頒授的黨內最高榮譽(the highest honor of the CPC)。
“八一勛章(the August 1 Medal)”(于2017年7月28日首次頒授)
授予在維護國家主權、安全、發展利益,推進國防和軍隊現代化建設中建立卓越功勛的軍隊人員(servicemen and women who have strongly safeguarded the country's sovereignty, national security and benefit, and who have made outstanding contributions to the development of national defense and the modernization of the military),這是由中央軍委決定、中央軍委主席簽發證書并頒授的軍隊最高榮譽(the highest honor of the military)。
“友誼勛章(the Friendship Medal)”(于2018年6月8日首次頒授)
授予為我國社會主義現代化建設和促進中外交流合作、維護世界和平作出杰出貢獻的外國人(foreigners who have made outstanding contributions to China's socialist modernization drive, promoted exchange and cooperation between China and the world, and helped maintain world peace),為國家最高榮譽。
國家榮譽稱號(national titles of honor)
授予在經濟、社會、國防、外交、教育、科技、文化、衛生、體育等各領域各行業作出重大貢獻、享有崇高聲譽的杰出人士(prominent figures who have made great contributions and earned reputations in fields such as economy, society, national defense, diplomacy, education, science, culture, health and sports)。
功勛簿(Book of Merit)
為記載上述功勛榮譽獲得者及其功績(to keep a record of these medal recepients and their achievements),還專門設立了黨、國家、軍隊功勛簿。
國慶慶祝活動 celebration events on National Day
President Xi Jinping will attend a grand gathering to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC) on Oct. 1. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, will deliver an important speech at the event, said Wang Xiaohui.王曉暉介紹,10月1日,在天安門廣場隆重舉行慶祝中華人民共和國成立70周年大會,中共中央總書記、國家主席、中央軍委主席習近平發表重要講話。
A military parade and mass pageantry will be held following the gathering, Wang said.慶祝大會后將舉行盛大的閱兵式和群眾游行。
The parade will be larger than those marking the 50th and 60th anniversaries of the PRC's founding and the 70th anniversary of victory in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (1931-45) in 2015.相比慶祝建國50周年、60周年閱兵和紀念抗戰勝利70周年閱兵,這次閱兵的規模要大一些。
The Tian'anmen Square parade will debut advanced weapons and equipment, he said, adding that all equipment displayed is domestically developed and in service. It will consist of square formations of marching soldiers from different forces and types of vehicles and equipment as well as air formations.此次天安門閱兵將分為徒步方隊、裝備方隊和空中梯隊。其中,裝備方隊的受閱裝備全部為國產現役裝備,不少先進武器裝備是首次亮相。
10月1日,以中共中央、全國人大常委會、國務院、全國政協、中央軍委名義在北京天安門廣場隆重舉行慶祝中華人民共和國成立70周年大會(a grand gathering to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China),中共中央總書記、國家主席、中央軍委主席習近平發表重要講話。慶祝大會后,將舉行盛大的閱兵式(military parade)和群眾游行(mass pageantry)。
10月1日晚,在北京天安門廣場舉辦首都國慶聯歡活動(a grand evening gala in Tian'anmen Square)。黨和國家領導人同首都各界代表一起聯歡并觀看文藝演出和焰火表演(watch performances and a fireworks show)。
在人民大會堂舉行隆重頒授儀式,對在中國特色社會主義建設和保衛國家中作出重大貢獻、建立卓越功勛、道德品質高尚、群眾公認的杰出人士,在中國社會主義現代化建設和促進中外交流合作、維護世界和平中作出杰出貢獻的外國人,在各領域各行業作出重大貢獻、享有崇高聲譽、道德品質高尚、群眾公認的杰出人士,分別授予“共和國勛章”(the Medals of the Republic)、“友誼勛章”(Medals of Friendship)和國家榮譽稱號(national titles of honor)。中華人民共和國主席習近平將親自頒授勛章、獎章,簽發證書。
9月30日烈士紀念日(Martyrs' Day),在北京天安門廣場人民英雄紀念碑(the Monument to the People's Heroes)前,舉行向人民英雄敬獻花籃儀式(present flowers to deceased national heroes),緬懷英雄烈士。黨和國家領導人和首都各界群眾代表參加。
以中華人民共和國主席習近平名義,在人民大會堂舉辦盛大國慶招待會(National Day reception),中共中央總書記、國家主席、中央軍委主席習近平發表重要講話。
在人民大會堂舉辦慶祝中華人民共和國成立70周年文藝晚會(an evening gala featuring music and dance),這次晚會將以大型音樂舞蹈史詩形式呈現,名稱叫《奮斗吧 中華兒女》。
9月起,在北京展覽館舉辦慶祝中華人民共和國成立70周年大型成就展(a large-scale exhibition on the achievements of the PRC in the past seven decades)。
以中共中央、國務院、中央軍委名義,向中華人民共和國成立前參加工作的、健在的老戰士老同志(living veterans and comrades who participated in the work on the revolution before the founding of the PRC),中華人民共和國成立后獲得國家級表彰獎勵及以上榮譽并健在的人員(living individuals who received honors and awards at the State level and above after the founding of the PRC),中華人民共和國成立后因參戰榮立一等功以上獎勵并健在的軍隊人員(含退役軍人)(living service personnel and veterans who received honors above the first-class merit citation for fighting wars after the founding of the PRC)以及為中華人民共和國成立作出杰出貢獻的國際友人(foreign friends who have made outstanding contributions to the founding of the PRC),頒發“慶祝中華人民共和國成立70周年”紀念章(medals in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the PRC)。
以中華人民共和國成立70年來取得的輝煌成就為主要內容,制作播出大型文獻專題片(documentary on the achievements of the PRC in the past seven decades),國慶前夕在中央電視臺一套黃金時間播出。同時,我們還將推出一批慶祝中華人民共和國成立70周年、具有較高思想藝術水平的戲劇、音樂、舞蹈、美術等各類優秀文藝作品(outstanding works of art in traditional opera, music, dance and fine art),展映一批重點主題電影和電視劇,推出一批重點出版物。
以慶祝中華人民共和國成立70周年為題材,發行一套紀念幣和一套紀念郵票(commemorative coins and stamps)。
(中國日報網英語點津 馬文英)
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